This page lists definitions for terms used in the LeverTRM platform.
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active posting
A posting that has been published on an internal and/or external job site. Unlisted postings are not considered active. To learn more, refer to our help article on job posting states.
See also: posting
Add-ons are Lever's a-la-carte solution offerings that can be bundled with any LeverTRM package.
See also: Advanced Analytics, Advanced HR, Advanced Nurture
The movement of an opportunity to a later stage in the pipeline.
Advanced Analytics
An add-on that includes supplemental reporting functionalities and services. Advanced Analytics is required to access Data Warehouse Sync, and certain pages on dashboards in Visual Insights. To learn more about the this add-on, check out our Advanced Analytics product page.
Advanced HR
An add-on that includes supplemental functionalities related to requisition, approval, and HRIS management. Advanced HR is required in order to, among other things, create custom requisition fields, employ headcount restrictions, and access the Requisitions dashboard in Visual Insights. To learn more about this add-on, check out our Advanced HR product page.
Advanced Nurture
An add-on that includes supplemental functionalities related to bulk email outreach. Advanced Nurture is required to send bulk email campaigns, share Nurture templates, and access the Nurture dashboard in Visual Insights. To learn more about this add-on, check out our Advanced Nurture product page.
The removal of an opportunity from the pipeline. Opportunities are typically archived when the candidate is no longer in contention for the associated role. This term can also be used to refer to the repository where archived opportunities can be found.
archive reason
The reason for archive assigned to an opportunity when it is removed from the pipeline.
See also: archive
A variable, such as a date or a name, used in a multi-value filter to define the parameters of a data set in Visual Insights.
See also: filter
auto-text token
A block of variable text in an email that changes based on the associated users, candidates, and postings.
A value that is calculated by adding quantities together and then dividing the total by the number of quantities.
bar chart, stacked bar chart
A type of chart in Visual Insights on which data sets are visualized as rectangles oriented horizontally and proportional in length to the quantities being compared. In stacked bar charts, group quantities are added along the x-axis, so each consecutive group appears to the right of the last.
A point of reference for a talent acquisition metric based on aggregated recruitment data from LeverTRM environments that have opted-in to data sharing. Found on the Talent Acquisition Benchmarks dashboard in Visual Insights.
The saving of a Visual Insights dashboard with applied filters for easy access in the future. This term can also refer to the card that appears in the bookmarks column representing the saved dashboard.
call-to-action button
A button used to initiate the next required action for an opportunity (scheduling the next interview or submitting feedback for a previous interview). Call-to-action buttons appear at the top of an opportunity profile as well as next to opportunities in the pipeline opportunity list. For more information, refer to our help article on call to action buttons.
An individual that applies (or is being sourced) for a job.
See also: opportunity
candidate profile
Fields on a profile containing information specific to the candidate, regardless of the job(s) they apply for, such as their name, location, email addresses, telephone numbers, and external profile URLs (e.g. LinkedIn). Not to be confused with an opportunity profile, which consists of fields specific to the job for which the candidates is being considered.
See also: opportunity profile
The graphic or numeric visualization of a data set based on a specific measure and/or grouping(s).
See also: bar chart, column chart, line chart, single value chart, scatterplot
Chrome extension, Lever Hire extension
A program that can be added to a Google Chrome browser that allows a user to generate a candidate opportunity in Lever without exiting the external job site they are viewing. To download the extension, visit the Chrome Web Store.
column chart, stacked column chart
A type of chart in Visual Insights on which data sets are visualized as rectangles oriented vertically and proportional in height to the quantities being compared. In stacked column charts, grouped quantities are added along the y-axis, so each consecutive group appears above the last.
confidential posting
A posting that has been marked as 'confidential' so as to not appear on external or internal job sites. Confidential postings can only be viewed by users with Super Admin access, the posting owner, or those that have been given individual access. Only users with Admin level access or above can mark a posting as confidential.
See also: posting
The total number of individual units in a data set.
A collection of charts visualizing metrics related to the same entity or subject.
data request
A request made by a candidate to edit, remove, or view their personal information in your LeverTRM instance in accord with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
See also: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
data set
The collection of events, measurements, or objects visualized in a chart.
See also: primary data set, secondary data set
data sync
The updating of data to reflect events stored on the LeverTRM application.
date interval
The periods of time into which a data segment is segmented along the x-axis of a chart. The date interval can be configured via the Date interval filter in Visual Insights for weekly or monthly intervals.
date range
The period of time for which data from the data set(s) in a dashboard will be measured. The date range can be configured via the Date range filter in Visual Insights for absolute or relative dates.
The functional divisions of an organization as defined in the Company settings of a LeverTRM environment. Parent unit to teams.
See also: team
An operator paired with one or more attribute in a multi-value filter in Visual Insights.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
Diversity is the presence of differences within a given setting. Equity is the process of ensuring that processes and programs are impartial, fair and provide equal possible outcomes for every individual. Inclusion is the practice of ensuring that people feel a sense of belonging in the workplace. The DEI shorthand is often used when referring to industry-acknowledged efforts to make more diverse, equitable, and inclusive work environments.
diversity survey
The survey used to measure diversity among candidates, built and activated in the Company settings of a LeverTRM environment. The diversity survey is completed by candidates when they are applying to a job posting or (in the case of non-applicants) when their opportunity reaches a certain stage in the pipeline. Response options to diversity survey questions can be used to group data sets visualized on the Diversity dashboard in Visual Insights.
See also: question
drill down
Clicking on a value in a chart on a Visual Insights dashboard to reveal a table containing the data contributing to that value. For example, clicking the value in the Internal postings chart to see all postings contributing to that value. Drill downs can show data for a maximum of 500 records. To learn more, refer to the Visual Insights: Drill downs help article.
Easy Book link
A link candidates can use to schedule a meeting with a Lever user based on that individual user’s availability, inserted to an email as an auto-text token.
EEO question
A question asked to a candidate as part of the Equal Employment Opportunity survey the receive when applying to a job posting.
See also: Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
email template
Pre-formatted email copy that can be inserted when composing an email in Lever. Email templates can be unique to a personal Lever account or shared by a team in the same LeverTRM environment.
The LeverTRM platform once it has been configured and activated for an organization. Production environments are meant for real-world use. Some organizations may also have a sandbox environment that they use for testing. An organization's environments are hosted on their LeverTRM instance.
See also: instance
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Laws that prohibit specific types of job discrimination in certain workplaces. U.S. federal government contractors are required to collected EEO data from candidates in accord with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP). EEO data is collected in the form of a survey (consisting of questions asking candidates to attest to their gender, race, veteran status, and disability status) that they receive part of the application process.
The change in status of an object. For example, the change in status of an offer from 'Sent' to 'Signed' would constitute an offer event.
The extraction of raw data from a LeverTRM environment. This term can also be used to refer to the file containing the raw data (e.g. the 'Opportunities' export).
The information recorded by an interviewer during or following an interview on the feedback form attached to the corresponding interview stage.
Fields used to define the parameters of data sets visualized on charts in Visual Insights. Filters appear at the top of every dashboard.
See also: dimension, parameter
The association of a user with a posting such that they receive notifications when there is activity with related opportunities.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Legal regulation for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals living in the European Union (EU). Under GDPR, the lawful basis for the collection and processing of an individual's personal information must be founded on candidate consent or legitimate interest. Individuals have the right to request access, erasure, or rectification of their personal information.
group, grouping
The segmentation of a data set based on a parameter, such as an object, status, or period of time, on a chart in Visual Insights.
See also: primary grouping, secondary grouping
The number of individuals allocated for hire on a requisition.
The archiving of an opportunity with the archive reason 'Hired.' This term can also be use to refer to the opportunity that was archived.
hiring manager
The user listed in the 'Hiring manager' field on a job posting; typically the individual responsible for making the final hiring decision.
The collection of LeverTRM environments associated with a domain (or set of domains) on Lever's servers. An instance includes an organization's production environment, as well as their sandbox environment if they have one.
See also: environment
A scheduled interaction between a candidate and an interviewer (or interviewers) for the purposes of discovery and/or assessment.
See also: panel
The user(s) listed in the 'Find interviewers' field when an interview is scheduled.
See also: interview
interview creator
The user that scheduled the interview. Listed next to 'Created by' in the interview details on a candidate's story.
A collection of shared dashboards, housed in the Libraries & Saved Reports section of Visual Insights. Libraries are organized into dashboards that the user has shared with others and dashboards that have been shared with the user.
See also: sharing
line chart
A type of chart in Visual Insights on which data sets are visualized as connections between points plotted on a plane defined by two axes.
The value in a data set below and above which there is an equal number of values when ordered by magnitude.
An object representing the proposal of employment to a candidate.
offer revision
Any saved change to the value(s) in the 'Offer details' fields on an offer, after the offer has been sent. For example, changing the compensation amount and expiry date on an offer and re-sending that offer would be counted as a single revision.
offer status
One of five states that an offer can be in - Started, Approved, Sent, Signed, or Declined.
The logical connective used to express the relationship between a multi-value filter attribute and the parameters of a data set (e.g. is, is not, contains, starts with, etc) in Visual Insights.
An object representing the consideration of a candidate for a single job. A candidate can have multiple opportunities.
See also: candidate
opportunity owner
The user listed in the 'Owner' field on a candidate profile when an opportunity is selected; typically the individual responsible for filling the headcount for the associated posting, or the owner of the associated job posting.
opportunity profile
Fields on a profile consisting of information specific to the job the candidate is being considered for such as the job title and their resumé, as well as the opportunity's stage, origin, and source. Not to be confused with the candidate profile, which consists of fields containing information specific to the candidate regardless of the job(s) for which they apply.
See also: candidate profile
opportunity tag
A tag applied to an opportunity to serve as a characteristic by which it can be searched or reported on. Opportunity tags appear in the 'Add tag' text field on an opportunity profile.
One of six predefined methods by which an opportunity can enter the pipeline - Applied, Sourced, Internal, Referred, Agency, or University. Not to be confused with the source of an opportunity. The origin of an opportunity is listed beneath the stage menu on a candidate's profile when the opportunity is selected. For more information, refer to our help article on the difference between origins and sources.
See also: source
origin: agency
The origin attributed to an opportunity generated from an agency job site.
origin: applied
The origin attributed to an opportunity generated from a candidate's submission of an application to a job posting, excluding submissions made via the internal job site associated with a LeverTRM environment.
origin: internal
The origin attributed to an opportunity generated from a candidate's submission of an application to a job posting on the internal job site associated with their organization's LeverTRM environment.
origin: referred
The origin attributed to an opportunity generated from a Lever user's submission to the referral form associated with their organization's LeverTRM environment.
origin: sourced
The origin attributed to an opportunity generated by a Lever user, either manually or using the Lever Chrome extension, as well as those created via an integration.
origin: university
The origin attributed to an opportunity generated via a job posting link that has been configured to mark opportunities with the 'University' origin. For instructions on how to configure a job posting link in this way, refer to our help article on sharing job postings with job boards.
A subsection of a Visual Insights dashboard containing charts related to an aspect of the entity or subject to which the dashboard pertains (e.g. 'Opportunities vs hires' is a page on the Diversity dashboard). The tabs running along the top of the dashboard can be used to navigate between pages. Note that not all dashboards have pages.
panel, interview panel
A series of one or more interviews that take place as part of the same scheduling action. For example, three consecutive 30 minute interviews could be scheduled with a candidate, each with a different interviewer, as part of the same scheduling action. This would constitute one panel.
See also: interview
The defined limit of a data set based on the attributes in applied filters in Visual Insights.
See also: attribute
pie chart
A type of chart in Visual Insights on which data sets are visualized as segments of a circle proportional in size to the quantities being compared.
The section of a LeverTRM environment in which all opportunities are housed and organized, accessed via the Candidates tab in the platform header. To learn more, refer to our help article on understanding the structure of the pipeline.
An object representing a job being hired for to which candidates can apply.
See also: active posting, confidential posting
posting distribution
The visibility configuration of an open posting - External only, Internal only, External & Internal, Unlisted, or Confidential.
See also: posting status
posting location
The value in the 'Location' field on a job posting. Locations are defined in the Company settings of a LeverTRM environment. Each posting can only have one location.
posting owner
The user listed in the 'Posting owner' field on a posting; typically the individual responsible for filling the headcount for the posting.
posting status
One of five states that a posting can be in - Draft, Pending, Rejected, Open, or Closed.
primary data set
For charts in Visual Insights comparing two data sets, the primary data set is the larger of the two and contains the other. For charts in which two data sets are used to calculate an average, the primary data set represents the quantity of events, objects, or measurements.
See also: data set, secondary data set
primary grouping
For charts in Visual Insights in which data sets are organized based on more than one parameter, the primary grouping is the grouping reflected on one of the chart axes.
See also: grouping, secondary grouping
An inquiry to which a candidate responds on an EEO and/or diversity survey. Multiple choice response options to EEO and diversity survey questions are used as parameters to filter by on the EEO and Diversity dashboards (respectively) in Visual Insights.
See also: EEO question, diversity survey
A row in a drill down table listing details about the opportunity, posting, or requisition with which the event, measurement, or object being counted in the drilled value is associated.
See also: drill down
An opportunity generated from a submission to an organization’s referral form.
See also: origin - referred
The movement of an opportunity to an earlier stage in the pipeline.
A point-in-time snapshot of a Visual Insights dashboard; typically sent as an image file via Visual Insights' sharing functionality.
See also: sharing
An object of record representing headcount to be filled.
requisition code
The numeric ID for a requisition. Requisition codes can be generated automatically upon requisitions creation or input manually when a requisition is being drafted. This setting can be configured in Settings > Requisitions by users with Admin or Super Admin level access.
requisition owner
The user listed in the 'Req. owner' field on a requisition; typically the individual responsible for filling the headcount.
requisition status
One of six states that a requisition can be in - Draft, Pending, Rejected, On hold, Open, or Closed.
A type of chart in Visual Insights on which data sets are visualized as points plotted on a plane defined by two axes.
The sub-window in which interview events and panels are configured and scheduled. The scheduler is opened by clicking the Schedule Interview call-to-action button or the calendar button on an opportunity profile. The scheduler can also be opened by clicking the Schedule call-to-action button that appears in the pipeline opportunity list next to opportunities for which an interview needs to be scheduled.
The rating given to a candidate by an interviewer as part of their feedback form. Scores are given on a scale of one to four, and are recorded in the 'Rating' question block on the feedback form. The 'Rating' question block is a fixed element on each feedback form and scores must be input in order for feedback to be counted as complete.
secondary data set
For charts in Visual Insights comparing two data sets, the secondary data set is the smaller of the two and is contained by the other. For charts in which two data sets are used to calculate an average, the secondary data set represents the sum of values held by objects in the primary data set.
See also: data set, primary data set
secondary grouping
For charts in Visual Insights in which data sets are organized based on more than one parameter, the secondary grouping is the grouping reflected by segmentation of the visualized element (e.g. columns, plot points) on the plane.
See also: grouping, primary grouping
Sending an image file of a report from Visual Insights to another user (or users) in a LeverTRM environment. Reports can be can be configured for a one-time or recurring delivery cadence.
See also: report
single value chart
A type of chart in Visual Insights in which the measured or calculated data is visualized as one number.
The act of hiding an opportunity from view in the pipeline for a specific duration of time, while retaining its location in the pipeline. To learn more, refer to our help article on snoozing opportunities.
The location(s) or action(s) from which an opportunity is generated (e.g. Added manually, LinkedIn, job fair). Not to be confused with the origin of an opportunity. The source of an opportunity is listed next to its origin under the stage menu on a candidate profile when the opportunity is selected. For more information, refer to our help article on the difference between origins and sources.
See also: origin
A milestone in the pipeline of a LeverTRM environment. Stages are listed horizontally above the pipeline in progressive order.
See also: pipeline
The state of an object such as an offer, posting, or requisition.
See also: offer status, posting status, requisition status
The historical record of communication and actions taken with a candidate that can be found in the lower portion of their candidate profile.
Grids found on some Visual Insights dashboards used to display details pertaining to objects or events in a data set.
The functional subgroups of an organization as defined in the Company settings of a LeverTRM environment. Child unit to departments.
See also: department
tool tip
The pop-over that extends on hover from the ⓘ icon on each chart in Visual Insights. The pop-over contains a description of the chart, date range logic, and a link to the help article for that dashboard.
unit of measure
The type of value used to grade the magnitude of the events, measurements, or objects in the data sets of charts in Visual Insights. Reflected on at least one axis of multi-value charts.
Visual Insights
Lever's default in-app analytics interface.
The representation of data in an illustrative format in Visual Insights.