Available for | Roles | Super Admin Admin and Team Member if granted permission |
Permissions | • View Visual Insights reports | |
Packages | LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise |
This article depicts and describes Lever's enhanced Data Exports for Visual Insights feature included in the Summer 2024 Product Release, scheduled to rollout progressively in August 2024. For full details, refer to our Summer 2024 Product Release Notes. |
Visual Insight bulk exports include detailed information on such things as candidate opportunities, requisitions, job postings, and feedback, making them perfect for raw data backups and maintaining records outside of Lever.
In this article
Accessing data exports
To access data exports:
Navigate to Visual Insights.
Click the chevron (>) on the left side of the page, and click Exports.
- From the lefthand panel, select the export type you wish to export.
Note that by default, only users with Super Admin access can download exports from a LeverTRM environment. Other users can be granted the ability to download all or specific exports if their permissions are configured as such by a Super Admin. To learn how to configure a user's permissions so they can access data exports, refer to our help article on adding and managing users. |
To run a data export:
- You have the ability to filter your data before being exported. Each export type will have a unique set of filters to apply. Please see data export descriptions below for a list filters available for each export type.
- After applying filters, click the reload button (⟳) to the upper-right of the filter bar.
There are two ways to initiate an export:
- Limited download: Click the three-dot ellipsis in the top right corner of an entire dashboard and then 'Download' to export as a CSV or PDF. This method does not support exporting all data or additional formats.
- Preferred method: Click the three-dot ellipsis ⠇in the upper-right corner in the individual dashboard tile and then 'Download Data'. This method provides a wider range of file format options and enables you to download all the data without the 50 result limit on the below dashboard.
By using the preferred method, you have access to the following tile actions:
- 'Explore from here' allows you to open the table in Looker where you can copy from and customize based on the data provided. To learn more about Looker and Data Explorer, please refer to our help article on building custom charts in Data Explorer.
- 'Download data' allows you to download data in TXT, Excel, CSV, PNG, JSON, HTML, and Markdown formats. For more information on data export formats, please refer to our help article on downloading data from Visual Insights.
- 'Autosize all columns' and 'Reset column widths' allow you to format the individual dashboard tile view within Lever.
When selecting 'Download data' using the preferred method, note that tables will list a maximum of 50 records by default. If the export is comprised of data from more than 50 records and you wish to download data from all records, follow these instructions:
- Click ▸ Advanced data options beneath the export format menu.
- Note: This button will not appear if you have selected the PNG export format for the download.
- Select the All results option under the Number of rows to include header.
- Click Download.
A Pop-up will appear in the lower-left corner of the screen to indicate the export is being generated. The export file will download automatically when generation is complete. Do not navigate away from this page while the export is being generated or the file will not download.
Data export descriptions
There are nine types of data exports that can be downloaded via Visual Insights. Below is a description of each export type, the filters that can be applied, and the contents of the download.
Opportunities data export
This export contains opportunity information for every candidate in your organization's LeverTRM environment. This export file contains general opportunity information such as contact information and work history for the associated candidate, as well as information related to opportunity progress such as stage milestones and event timestamps. Note that the same candidate will appear in multiple rows of the exported spreadsheets in accord with the number of opportunities they are associated with. This export also includes data for general opportunities (i.e. opportunities not associated with a posting).
Here are the filters available for opportunities exports:
- Opportunity created (UTC)
- Department
- Team
- Origin
- Source
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Opportunities |
Opportunity ID, Contact ID, Contact Name, Emails, Phones, Organization Summary, Schools, Location, Links, Files, Opportunity Owner Name, Opportunity Owner Email, Origin, Sources, Application Sources, Tags, Is Referred, Referrer Name, Referrer Email, Is Social Referral, Is Employee Referral, Created At (UTC), Applied At (UTC), Posting ID, Posting Title, Posting Owner Name, Posting Owner Email, Posting Hiring Manager Name, Posting Hiring Manager Email, Posting Location, Posting Department, Posting Team, Posting Work Type, Requisition For Hire ID, Requisition For Hire Code, Is Opportunity Archived, Archive Reason, Archived At (UTC), Current Stage ID, Current Stage Name, Stage Entered At (UTC), Hired At (UTC), Last Advanced (UTC), Offered Start Date (UTC), Is Manual Referral, Snoozed Until (UTC), Stage Name, Entered Stage Event At (UTC) |
Compliance (EEO/OFCCP) data export
This export contains results from your Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) survey. This export can generated in anonymized and non-anonymized versions. The anonymized file does not contain any personally identifiable information. To learn how to enable and configure the EEO survey in your LeverTRM environment, refer to our EEO survey help article.
Here are the filters available for anonymized EEO exports:
- Opportunity created (UTC)
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Anonymized EEO |
Applied At (UTC), Application Title, Current Stage, Application Archive Reason, Application Archived At (UTC), Application Archived By, Gender, Race, Veteran Status, Disability |
Here are the filters available for non-anonymized EEO exports:
- Opportunity created (UTC)
- Department
- Team
- Origin
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Non-anonymized EEO |
Opportunity ID, Contact Name, Contact Email, Opportunity Owner Email, Hiring Manager Email, Contact ID, Posting ID, Posting Title, Requisition ID, Requisition Code, Applied At (UTC), Team, Department, Location, Origin, Source, Application Archive Reason, Application Archived At (UTC), Application Archived By, Current Stage, Hired Date (UTC), EEO Survey Responded At (UTC), Gender, Race, Veteran Status, Disability, Disability Signature, Disability Signature Date, EEO Response Source |
Users that have been granted permission to access the Compliance data export are only able to generate the anonymized version of the export. The non-anonymized version of the export can only be generated by users with Super Admin access. |
Feedback data exports
There are two distinct Feedback data exports.
This export contains information for feedback forms associated with interviews scheduled in Lever. The export file contains general information about the feedback form, the candidate, and the interviewer, and the scores and responses submitted by the interviewer. Each row in the exported files corresponds to a single feedback form. Data from feedback forms that have been added manually to a candidate's profile (i.e. feedback forms that are not associated with an interview scheduled through Lever) is excluded from the export. To learn how feedback forms are built and used, refer to our feedback forms help article.
Here are the filters available for feedback exports:
- Opportunity created (UTC)
- Form name
- Posting
- Opportunity owner
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Feedback |
Form ID, Form Name, Opportunity ID, Contact Name, Created at (UTC), Opportunity Owner Name, Posting ID, Template ID, Interview ID, Interviewer Name, Interview Scheduled Date, Interviewer Email, All Panel Feedback Submitted At (UTC), Interview Timezone, Interview Stage, Contact ID, Feedback Question, Feedback Answer |
This export contains information for forms completed in Lever. The export file contains general information about the form, the candidate, and the user that completed the form, and responses submitted by the user that completed the form. Each row in the exported files corresponds to a single form. To learn about forms, refer to our forms help article.
Here are the filters available for forms exports:
- Opportunity created (UTC)
- Form name
- Form type
- Posting title
- Opportunity owner
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Forms |
Form ID, Form Name, Form Type, Template ID, Opportunity ID, Contact Name, Created By Name, Created By Email, Created at (UTC), Opportunity Owner Name, Posting ID, Contact ID, Form Question, Form Answer |
Interviews data exports
There are two distinct Interview data exports.
This export contains information on interviewer feedback. The export file contains general information about the interview panel and the candidate, as well as the feedback and scores submitted by the interviewer.
Here are the filters available for interview calibration exports:
- Interview created (UTC)
- Form name
- Interviewer name
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Interview calibration |
Opportunity ID, Interview Panel ID, Candidate Name, Candidate Origin, Feedback Form, Interview Date, Interview Timezone, Overall Score, Time to Complete (ms), Interviewer, Candidate Owner Name, Posting Title, Contact ID, Form ID, Feedback Question, Feedback Answer |
This export contains information on interview panels including details on the interviewer, the candidate, and the number of feedback forms completed.
Here are the filters available for interview data exports:
- Interview created (UTC)
- Form name
- Department
- Team
- Origin
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Interview data |
Profile ID, Interview Panel ID, Candidate Name, Candidate Email, Candidate Origin, Feedback Form, Interview Date, Interview Timezone, Interview Stage, Overall Score, Forms Completed, Forms Expected, Interviewer Names, Interviewer Emails, Owner Name, Owner Email, Scheduler, Posting ID, Posting Title, Posting Team, Posting Location, Posting Level, Posting Commitment, Posting Tags, Posting Owner Name, Posting Owner Email, Posting Hiring Manager Name, Posting Hiring Manager Name, Posting Department, Contact ID |
Job postings data export
This export contains information on every job posting created in your organization's LeverTRM environment including IDs, job description details, associated requisitions, distribution channels, and visibility.
Here are the filters available for job posting exports:
- Posting created (UTC)
- Department
- Team
- Posting status
- Posting location
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Job postings |
Posting ID, Posting Title, Date Created (UTC), Status, Posting Team, Posting Commitment, Posting Location, Posting Level (Legacy), Posting Tags, Posting Owner, Posting Owner Email, Posting Hiring Manager, Posting Hiring Manager Email, Followers, Follower Emails, Description, Additional, Visibility, Posting Department, List Title, List Content, Requisition Codes, Requisition IDs, State, Distribution, Date Last Published (UTC), Last Updated (UTC), Date Last Closed (UTC), Application Count |
Offers data export
This export contains information for offers generated from your organization's LeverTRM environment. The export file contains general offer information such as opportunity details, offer status, and the number of revisions, as well as information for any custom fields on the offer form. To learn more about custom fields, refer to our offer form customization help article. This information can be highly sensitive, so be careful with how you handle and share data from this spreadsheet.
Here are the filters available for offers exports:
- Offer created (UTC)
- Department
- Team
- Origin
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Offers |
Offer ID, Opportunity ID, Contact Name, Opportunity Owner Name, Opportunity Owner Email, Status, Revisions, Start Date (UTC), Job Title, Salary Value, Salary Currency, Salary Period, Equity Value, Equity Type, Created At (UTC), Posting ID, Posting Commitment, Posting Department, Posting Level, Posting Location, Posting Team, Requisition ID, Requisition Name, Approval Status, First Company Signature Email, Second Company Signature Email, Third Company Signature Email, Contact ID, Last Sent At (UTC), Last Approved At (UTC), Last Candidate Signed At (UTC), First Company Signature Signed At (UTC), Second Company Signature Signed At (UTC), Third Company Signature Signed At (UTC), Custom Field Name, Custom Field Content |
Referrals data export
This export contains information on every referred candidate in your organization's LeverTRM environment. The export file contains general information related to the referred candidate such opportunity and referrer details, and responses to questions on the referral form. Note that the same candidate will appear in multiple rows of the exported spreadsheets in accord with the number of times they have been referred or applied via a social referral link.
Here are the filters available for referrals exports:
- Opportunity created (UTC)
- Department
- Team
- Referrer name
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Referrals |
Opportunity ID, Contact Id, Contact Name, Emails, Phones, Organization summary, Schools, Location, Links, Files, Opportunity Owner Name, Opportunity Owner Email, Origin, Sources, Tags, Is referred, Referrer Names, Referrer Emails, Is Social Referral, Is Employee Referral, Created At (UTC), Applied At (UTC), Posting ID, Posting Title, Posting Owner Name, Posting Owner Email, Posting Hiring Manager Name, Posting Hiring Manager Email, Posting Location, Posting Department, Posting Team, Posting Work Type, Requisition For Hire ID, Requisition For Hire Code, Is Opportunity Archived, Archive reason, Archived At (UTC), Current Stage Name, Hired At (UTC), Last Advanced At (UTC), Offered Start Date (UTC), Is Manual Referral, Snooze completed (UTC), Referral Form Question, Referral Form Answer |
Requisitions data export
This export contains information on every requisition in your organization's LeverTRM environment. The export file contains general requisition information such as requisition codes and headcount and information for any custom requisition fields.
Here are the filters available for requisitions exports:
- Requisition created (UTC)
- Department
- Team
- Requisition location
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Requisitions |
Requisition ID, Requisition Name, Requisition Code, Total Headcount, Hired Headcount, Active Offers, Is Headcount Infinite, Is Backfill, Status, Department, Team, Location, Requisition Hiring Manager Name, Requisition Hiring Manager Email, Requisition Owner Name, Requisition Owner Email, Creator Name, Creator Email, Compensation Band Minimum, Compensation Band Maximum, Compensation Band Interval, Compensation Currency, Approval Status, Created At (UTC), Internal Notes, Linked Posting IDs, Linked Offer IDs, Approver ID, Approver Email, Approver Status, Approver Step, Approver Updated At, Approved at (UTC), Date Last Updated (UTC), Last Closed (UTC), Custom Field Label, Custom Field Content |
Surveys exports
There are two distinct Survey exports.
This export contains information related to your Candidate Experience Survey. The export file contains general opportunity and postings information for candidates that completed the survey and candidate responses to survey questions. To learn how to enable and configure the Candidate Experience Survey in your LeverTRM environment, refer our Candidate Experience Survey help article.
Here are the filters available for candidate experience exports:
- Survey responded (UTC)
- Department
- Team
- Posting location
- Origin
- Source
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Candidate experience survey |
Posting ID, Anonymized Contact ID, Opportunity Created At (UTC), Responded At (UTC), Team, Department, Work Type, Location, Origin, Sources, Current Stage Name, Archive reason, Archived at (UTC), Archived By, Survey ID, Survey Question, Survey Response Answer |
This export contains information related to your Diversity Survey. The export file contains general opportunity and postings information for candidates that completed the survey, information related opportunity progress such as stage milestones and event timestamps for candidates that completed the survey, and candidate responses to survey questions. To learn how to enable and configure the Diversity Survey in our LeverTRM environment, refer to our Diversity Survey help article.
Here are the filters available for diversity data exports:
- Survey responded (UTC)
- Department
- Team
- Posting location
- Origin
- Source
File | Fields (i.e. column headers) |
Diversity survey |
Posting ID, Anonymized Contact ID, Opportunity Created At (UTC), Responded At (UTC), Team, Department, Work Type, Location, Origin, Sources, Current Stage Name, Archive reason, Archived at (UTC), Archived By, Survey ID, Posting Title, Posting Owner, Posting Hiring Manager, Candidate Selected Location, Survey Question, Survey Response Answer |
Note that responses to the survey are counted differently in the candidate experience data export than on the Candidate Experience Survey dashboard in Visual Insights. The data export counts all responses received within the timeframe, whereas the dashboard counts responses for all surveys sent within the filtered date range. To learn more, refer to the Candidate Experience Survey dashboard help article. |