This article provides a timeline and descriptions of bug fixes released in 2018 and 2019.
May 28th - May 31st, 2019
- Google Hangouts: When you send a calendar invitation to a candidate, the Google Hangout link in their calendar event will be identical to the links in your team's invitation.
December 3rd - December 7th, 2018
- Email Notifications: If an interview is rescheduled for a candidate profile that you're following, and you have the interviews scheduled notification enabled, we will send you an email notification with the updated interview information.
Reports: In the "by posting" reports for the Candidate stats, Conversion rates, Pipeline speed, Interviews, and Interview calibration reports, the subtotal calculation for the "followed postings" section has been updated. The subtotal now reflects the postings that are loaded on the page. If you click the "load more" button. We will recalculate the subtotal if needed. Clicking on the subtotal will take you to the relevant report that's filtered by all of the job postings you follow.
Easy Book: When a candidate books a time through their Easy Book link, we will consistently select the first available interviewer.
October 15th - October 19th, 2018
- Offer Approval: When you send out an offer approval that exceeds file limitations, we will no longer grey out the "send out approval" request button. You will be prompt with a warning banner message regarding your file limitation and you will have the ability to unselect files in order to proceed with the offer approval request.
August 20th - August 24th, 2018
- Company signatory field: On the first step of offer did not have name of signatory, now, any signatories defined on step 1 will be listed in the information "who needs to sign" section.
- Re-adding a deleted custom field onto an offer form inserts the custom field into its original location on the field lists, now, once you re-add the custom field,it will appear in its original location.
August 13th - August 17th, 2018
- When users changed a profile owner, the gravatar image does not reflect in real time. This has been fixed! Gravatar image will update immediately once profile owner is updated.
June 25th - June 29th, 2018
- Interview RSVP: Microsoft Office O365 users were repeatedly receiving "Can't get RSVP status: interview was changed outside of Lever" message when user did not make any changes outside of Lever. There has been a fix to this minor bug.
June 18th - June 22nd, 2018
- Reporting Settings: Great news! We've fixed a minor bug where range dates for "last week" were not pulling correctly in our reporting filters.
- Reporting Settings: Switched "origin" and "feedback form" columns that were located in the wrong field in our interview calibration export.