Enabling and using the Guided Compass integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations
• (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Guided Compass is a career matching and tracking platform that allows employers to design their ideal candidates, post career event, projects, and work opportunities, and received screened candidates from our partners. Guided Compass will pass your postings to intermediary partners (i.e., educational institutions, workforce developments, and mentors) so that they may educate, train, and refer candidates to employment opportunities. We also use algorithms to help employers build customized talent pipelines for each of their departments, and to help these intermediaries add to your pipelines. Lever’s integration with Guided Compass allows you to automatically get notified of relevant job opportunities, add screened candidates to your job postings, and add prospective candidates to your pipeline.

Setting up the Guided Compass integration

  • From your Guided Compass profile, navigate to Settings and click Integrations and API
  • Click on Lever; you will be asked accept Guided Compass to create new opportunities, view opportunities, and view jobs in your Lever account
  • Enter the same email you used to create your Guided Compass Employer account and then click Accept

Using the Guided Compass integration

Posting jobs

When creating job posts, for Guided Compass and Guided Compass Intermediary Training Partners to be most effective, the Post Description should include keywords that will help us place the right candidates. These keywords include desired educational degrees, coursework, experience, skills, knowledge, traits, and other tags. The more detail, the better. This will be used to source and screen candidates for your organization.

Receiving candidates

We (and our partners) will typically only refer 3-5 candidates at one time. This is because our partner organizations often have processed where they administer months of career-pathway related and conduct formal interviews to effectively screen candidates for you. Partners can drag-and-drop the candidates they would like to refer, so candidates are ranked according to the order to they are added to the system.

Ideally, we can set up a profile form with your Lever instance so that we can pass the following information:

  • The ranking from the partner organization (e.g., #2);
  • The name of the referring organization (e.g., Los Angeles City College);
  • The match score (e.g., 89%) – calculated using our algorithms against your ideal candidate; this includes scores input by partners (e.g., internal coursework, interviews).

To set this up, please email creighton@guidedcompass.com. For the match score, if you have not specified your candidate for this department or posting, we will use the default “benchmark” or ideal candidate for the departmental area specified by our intermediary partner(s). Email creighton@guidedcompass.com for more information about Guided Compass Benchmarks.

Receiving prospects

If you have specified a “benchmark” or ideal candidate, we will provide leads to build your talent pipeline. Part of what Guided Compass offers is career exploration, which includes career- seekers’ ability to favorite employers. In addition, career-seekers can specify their ideal employers in their career assessments, in interviews, or to their mentors. These all provide great resources to post prospective candidates to your Lever account. Email creighton@guidedcompass.com for more information about Guided Compass Benchmarks.

Optional: Maximizing your Guided Compass experience

The following will allow us to provide the best service to you:

  • Feedback on any and all candidates referred from the Guided Compass platform. Email creighton@guidedcompass.com;
  • Give feedback on the match score accuracy. Email creighton@guidedcompass.com;
  • Consider designing your ideal candidate for each department. Email creighton@guidedcompass.com.

Disabling the Guided Compass integration

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Authorized Apps
  • Locate the Guided Compass app
  • Click Revoke Access
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