Using the limited email sync configuration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Permissions • (To use) Mange profiles and view associated postings
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise
Requires Google Suite or Office 365 account sync

The limited sync email configuration grants Lever a narrower scope of access to a user's connected email account. Emails sent from Lever are still routed through users' Google or Office 365 work account. However, unlike the full email sync configuration, responses to email are not synced back to candidate profiles in Lever.

How limited email sync works

When users in your Lever environment opt to grant Lever access to their email (via their account settings), Lever will only request permission to send emails from their Google or Office 365 work account. Lever will not request permission to read emails in the users inbox, meaning email responses will not be synced back to candidates' profiles in Lever. This option is best-suited for organizations with strict security parties that restrict "read access" from third-party applications.

If you opt for limited sync but still require Lever to function as the single source of truth for communication with candidates, request that an administrator of your Google Apps or Office 365 instance set up a one-time configuration of email routing rules. These rules will auto-forward responses to emails sent from Lever, so that they appear on the candidate profile. This will ensure that candidate profiles still show a full and clear timeline of all hiring-related correspondence started in Lever.

Configuring limited email sync

To configure limited email sync for your Lever instance:

  • Navigate to Settings > Company
  • On the 'General' tab, select the 'Limited sync' option

Email sync options in Company Settings; limited sync option selected

  • If your Lever instance is synced with Google...
  • If your Lever instance is synced with Office 365...
    • Select the checkbox next to 'My Office 365 Admin has configured auto-forward in Exchange'
    • Click the Enable Limited Sync button
    • If your Lever environment integrates with Office 365, you will need to complete an additional step of selecting how you want users at your organization to be authorized. You can select to allow users to authorize Lever themselves, or to have all users granted consent and permissions by your organization's Office 365 administrator. To read more about this option, refer to our help article on configuring authentication between Lever and Office 365.

Frequently asked questions

What email permissions can users grant Lever under the limited email sync option?

If your instance has been configured for limited sync, users that opt into Lever's email integration can only grant Lever the permission to send emails via their Google or Office 365 work account. Users will not be able to grant Lever permission to read their mailboxes.

How can I ensure that Lever records and displays candidate correspondence?

Request that an administrator of your Google or Office 365 instance set up the appropriate email routing rules. The routing configuration will auto-forward responses to emails sent from Lever back to Lever. This will ensure that your candidate profiles still show a full and clear timeline of all hiring-related correspondence started in Lever.

What is synced?

Assuming that your email server admin has set up the appropriate email routing rules, all responses to emails sent via Lever should be auto-forwarded to us and then synced to the appropriate candidate profile. This includes candidate replies as well as replies that you make to a thread that started in Lever from your work account mailbox.


If your Lever instance is configured for limited email sync, the manual Sync emails button on a candidate's profile will not work as Lever will not have permission to read any users’ mailbox.
Is there a size limit for synced messages?

If you are using Lever's SPF based email provider (Mailgun), messages up to 25MB will sync. 

Can I sync emails other members of my team have received?

You cannot choose to sync email on behalf of your teammates, but if the auto-forwarding rules are set up for your company’s email server, then any response to any email originating in Lever will sync.

How do I enable limited email sync for my personal work email account?

Once your Lever instance has been configured for limited sync, individual users still need to give Lever permission to send emails from your Gmail or Office 365 account. Select the 'Email' permission checkbox on the Settings > My account page, save changes, and complete the authentication flow.

Contact, Calendar, and Email permission checkboxs in personal account settings.

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