Enabling and using the Hollo integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The Hollo integration will allow you to automatically sync candidates from Lever into Hollo talent pools.

Setting up the Hollo integration

Note: You must be a Lever Super Admin in order to set up the integration.

  • In the Hollo platform, click on the settings button on the top right corner, navigate to the customer and billing tab, and then click on Link an ATS button.

Hollo platform showing gear icon and settings label

  • Select Lever in the ATS list, click on the Link your Lever account button and then grant Hollo access.

Hollo platform with link an ATS to hollo modal with Lever selected

Using the Hollo integration

The integration with Hollo is super easy to use. Hollo takes care of managing your talent pools without having to transfer information manually.

You can start by creating your talent pools in Hollo and adding the candidates that you want to keep in touch with in them.

To add a candidate in a talent pool, you can either do it in Hollo or directly from Lever.

For each talent pool, you have the ability to add candidates from Lever via a tracked tag, meaning any candidate that has one of the tracked tags will be added to the talent pool in Hollo.

Hollo tracked tags showing silvermedalist tag selected

In Lever, tagging the opportunity with the tracked tag will add the candidate to Hollo and place them within the corresponding talent pool. For example, if you create a talent pool in Hollo for SilverMedalists, anyone you tag in Lever with "Silver Medalist" will be added directly into Hollo. 

You also have the option to place candidates into Hollo pools without the need of tags by using the Hollo interface. Hollo will sync opportunities from Lever into a dashboard in Hollo that you can use to select candidates for specific pools. 

Disabling the Hollo integration

  • In Lever navigate to Settings > Integrations & API
  • 2. Under the 'Authorized Apps' tab locate the Hollo app
  • 3. Click Revoke access to disable the integration
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