Available for | Roles | Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member Can only be configured by Super Admins |
Packages | Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise |
The Meetcode integration enables you to assess candidates' technical skills using tests.
Setup the integration:
Note: Access role must be Super Admin in order to set up the integration.
1. Log in to Meetcode, navigate to the integrations page under Settings.
2. Click on CONNECTION and then Authorize Meetcode. This will take you to your Lever account.
3. Click Accept to grant Meetcode access to your Lever account.
How to configure the integration:
1. You will be automatically promoted to a setup dialog, if the dialog does not display please contact Meetcode support.
2. You are asked to generate the Webhook Signing Token from Lever.
- In a separate window, log in to Lever and navigate to your Lever Integration & API page under settings.
- On the WEBHOOKS tab, enable the Candidate stage change.
- Copy the "signature token" and paste it to the Webhook Signing Token field in the Meetcode dialog.
3. Copy the Webhook URL by clicking Copy from the Meetcode dialog. Paste the URL into the url field under the Candidate stage change webhook in Lever.
4. Click Verify Connection in Lever to make sure everything is working properly.
5. Click Save to complete the setup.
How to use the integration:
You can send invites from your Lever Candidates dashboard.
1. Click on any profile. Add a tag to the candidate that corresponds to the test name and expiration time that you’d like to invite the candidate.
** The tag has to start with “meetcode”. The test name must be the same as the name in Meetcode. The expiration time has to be in the form of Xday. The tag syntax should be “meetcode_test name_Xday”.
2. Move the candidate to any stage. You will be able to see the invitation status in Notes.
NOTE: An error will appear in Notes when the candidate is already invited or fails to send an invitation.
3. Once the candidate finishes their test, a new note will be sent to Lever with an attached test report.
How to disable the integration:
1. In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API.
2. Under the Authorized Apps tab, locate the Meetcode app.
3. Click Revoke Access to disable the integration.
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us at support@meetcode.com.