Enabling and using the Grit Search integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The GRIT Talent Platform has integrated with Lever to de-duplicate candidates that already exist in your Lever accounts. This means that any duplicate candidates that are found in both your Lever account and GRIT's database will be removed from search results in the GRIT Talent Platform. This ensures that you don't reach out to candidates that you've already been in contact with, helping you save time and maintain professionalism.

Setting up the Grit Search integration

Note: Access role must be Super Admin in Lever to set up the integration.

  • Log into the GRIT Talent Platform at https://app.gritsearch.com/.
  • Click on your name in the top-right corner and click on My Account in the dropdown. 
  • Select the Integration tab. 
  • Find Lever. 
  • Click on the Integrate now button. 

GRIT platform with integrations tab and integrate now button outlined

  • You will be brought to the Lever website to securely log into your account.
  • Upon successfully logging in, you'll be brought back to the GRIT Talent Platform.

You're all done! Start searching for candidates and we'll ensure that any duplicate candidates are hidden. 

Disabling the Grit Search integration

In Lever nvigate to Settings > Integrations & API

Under the Authorized Apps tab locate the Grit Search app

Click Revoke access to disable the integration

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