Enabling and using the Geektastic integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The Geektastic integration allows talent acquisition teams to seamlessly invite candidates to take assessments from within Lever. 

Trusted by the world’s fastest growing businesses to cut time to hire by 50%, Geektastic deliver your technical assessment process in 24 hours giving you the insight to identify the best developers at speed.

Readers of this article will learn the following:

Setup the integration:


Access role must be Super Admin in Lever to set up the integration. You must be a team or organization with admin rights in Geektastic to install this integration.

1. Create a "hirer" account on the Geektastic.com platform 

2. Send an email to hello@geektastic.com requesting that your Geektastic.com account be integrated with Lever. You will be contacted within 24h by a Geektastic platform administrator. 

3. When logged into Geektastic.com you will now have a new item in your account user dropdown menu. Click your user icon / avatar (in the top right).

4. Click Manage ATS Integration. 

Geektastic platform settings dropdown menu with Manage ATS Integration selected.

6. Click on the green button labelled Authorise Integration of Geektastic to your Lever account. 

Geektastic platform showing Manage integration page with green Authorize integration of Geektastic to your Lever account button.

7. Log into Lever.

8. Review list of requested permissions. Click Accept.

Lever authorize platform modal with list of permissions and blue accept button.

You will be redirected back to the Manage ATS Integration page on Geektastic.com. 

The integration is now authorised. 

Geektastic platform showing Manage integration page with successful integration message.

How to configure the integration:


Contact platform administrators at Geektastic.com to complete and customise the integration between Lever and Geektastic.com.


On Lever, go to Webhooks and configure the "Candidate Stage Change" webhooks as indicated below:

Lever integration and API settings showing webhooks tab with candidate stage change toggle on blue.

  • Enable the Candidate Stage Change webhook by clicking the toggle to the on (blue) position. 
  • Enter this URL for your Live Production integration: https://app.geektastic.com/ats/lever/candidatestagechange
  • Send the Signature Token (shown in the above screenshot) to Geektastic. It will be added to the configuration settings on your Geektastic.com account. 

Workflow Stage 

For a successful integration, please confirm the Recruitment Workflow Stage at which the Code Challenge invitation should be triggered with Geektastic.

For example, you might have a sequence of workflow stages such as: Recruiter Screen; Phone Interview; Technical Evaluation etc. If you wish to trigger the Geektastic Code Challenge invitation to go out once a candidate is moved to the "Technical Evaluation" stage, reach out to Geektastic and it will be configured in your Geektastic account settings. 

Job configuration 

To identify which Geektastic Code Challenge should be issued to the Candidate for a job on Lever, update the job with a tag that is used solely for the Geektastic integration. The value must match a value that is configured in your Geektastic.com account.

Please provide Geektastic with the list of tags and associated Code Challenges that you will be using for the integration. 

Lever platform jobs page with geektastic tag outlined.

For example, you will likely want to send a Java language Code Challenge to a candidate applying for a Senior Java Developer job. Similarly, for a Front End Developer position, you will likely want to evaluate the candidate’s JavaScript skills.

You might therefore wish to add the following tags to these jobs (respectively):

  • Senior Java
  • General JavaScript


Tags are case and whitespace sensitive. For example, "SENIOR Java", "Senior Java" and "SeniorJava" are not the same value.

After confirming which tags you would like to use for each Code Challenge with Geektastic, you can confirm the settings in your Geektastic account. See example below (shown in pink). 

Geektastic platform challenges page with challenge listing and arrow pointing to tags section.

How to use the integration:

Invite a Candidate to Take an Assessment

To invite a Candidate to take an assessment, move the opportunity to the stage configured for the Geektastic integration on Lever. 

The opportunity will be updated with the tag, "Geektastic: Invitation Sent", after the Code Challenge invitation has been triggered successfully to go out from Geektastic. 

Assessment Updates

If you have set the Code Challenge submission to be reviewed by the Geektastic Expert Review Team, the review summary will be added as a note on the Lever opportunity after the review is finalised and approved by the admin team on Geektastic.

The status tag will change from "Geektastic: Invitation Sent" to "Geektastic: Review Approved". An example of a review summary note is shown below. 

Lever candidates profile notes tab with Geektastic code review in notes tab.

Important Considerations

Please review the following important considerations: 

  • The same Geektastic Code Challenge will be sent to all candidates applying to the same configured job on Lever. 
  • At this time, the integration does not support sending multiple Code Challenges to each candidate. 
  • At this time, the integration does not support sending different Code Challenges to candidates applying to the same job.
  • If you add multiple valid tags (which identify Code Challenges on the Geektastic platform) to a single job on the Lever platform, the actual Code Challenge sent to a candidate may be inconsistent (non-deterministic i.e. random). 

How to disable the integration:

1. Navigate to your Integrations & API Settings Page in Lever.

2. Under the Authorized Apps tab, locate the Geektastic app.

3. Click Revoke Access to disable the integration.

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