Enabling and using the HulkHire integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations
• (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The HulkHire integration allows talent acquisition teams to send HulkHire interviews directly through Lever. Interview updates, feedback and results are updated in Lever. For the latest information, refer to HulkHire's help article on the Lever and HulkHire integration.

Setting up the HulkHire integration


You must be a team or organization with admin rights in HulkHire to install this integration.

Enable Webhooks

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Webhooks
  • Enable the 'Candidate State Change' webhook by toggling the switch to the on (blue) position, if it is not already enabled. 

Authorize the Integration

  • Log in to HulkHire and navigate to Admin > Integrations
  • Look for the Lever panel and click Connect to Lever

  • On the modal, log in to Lever
  • Review the list of request permissions and click Accept to authorize the integration

  • You will be redirected to the HulkHire Integration Success page

The integration is complete.

Using the HulkHire integration

How to set up HulkHire Interviews in Lever

Setting up Interviews with HulkHire is very easy. Once the candidate opportunity is moved to an interview stage in Lever, the HulkHire interview schedule link will be added to the opportunity.

  • Click on the interview schedule link
  • Choose the interview you would like to schedule
  • Click Send Invitation

  • HulkHire will send an interview invite to the candidate
  • The candidate will select an interview slot and attend the interview

How to monitor interview updates in Lever

After scheduling the interview, an interview panel will be created on the candidate opportunity. 

You can view this panel to get the current status of the candidate. The interview time, skill set, link to the candidate profile and results page will be available in the panel.

All interview updates like candidate interview scheduled, rescheduled, cancelled etc can be tracked in the Notes section of the Lever opportunity as well. 

Reviewing Feedback in Lever

Once the candidate interview is complete and feedback is ready, a full detailed feedback report of the candidate will be updated on the Lever opportunity. 

Details such as overall score, score report, observations, projects, communication, and excitement to join will be included. A full detailed report would be available here.

In addition, a link to the HulkHire candidate details and feedback page will be added to the notes section on the Lever opportunity. You can use this link to view the candidate video, questions that were asked during interview and their responses.

To help support tracking, reporting and automation workflows, the following tags are added to the candidate opportunity in Lever. 

Candidate Score Tags: 

HULKHIRE: BRONZE Medalist Score>=60 and Score < 75
HULKHIRE: SILVER Medalist Score >= 75 and Score < 90
HULKHIRE: GOLD Medalist Score 90 and above

Candidate Interview Status: 

TAG Description
HULKHIRE:INTERVIEW INVITED This tag denotes that we have contacted the candidate to book their interview slot
HULKHIRE:INTERVIEW SCHEDULED This tag denotes that candidate has booked their interview slot
HULKHIRE:INTERVIEW COMPLETED This tag denotes that interview is successfully completed with candidate
This tag denotes that interview is cancelled with candidate. It could happen because of multiple reasons.


See example below: 

Use these tags to filter out the data in your workflows and reports. You can also use candidate feedback Score field in your workflows to filter more specific candidates

We do not expect that you would get into any kind of issues. However, if something goes wrong, complete the following steps to reset the integration:

  1. Login to HulkHire and navigate to Admin > Integrations
  2. Look for Lever and click Reconnect

To talk to HulkHire and share your experiences, send a one liner email on care@hulkhire.com.

Disabling the HulkHire integration

  1. In Lever navigate to Settings > Integrations and API
  2. Under the Authorized Apps tab, locate the HulkHire app
  3. Click Revoke access to disable the integration
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