Updating company contacts

Available for Roles Super Admin
Permissions • Manage company contacts
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Indicate key contacts at your organization responsible for the operation of the Lever platform. Lever has the ability to reach the right person at the company for the right topic. You can define the following contacts at your organization:

  • Legal contact - The contact Lever should reach out to for any legal matters

  • Security contact - The contact Lever should reach out to for security-related updates, such as changes to Lever’s Privacy Policy

  • Named contacts for support - Contacts Lever can reach out to for support escalation

Navigate to Settings > Company Contacts. You can add or update contacts for matters pertaining to security, legal, or support.

  • Select from a picker of Lever users, or add a non-Lever user on the account’s domain
  • For the support contact, you can designate a primary support contact and up to four additional secondary contacts

Company contacts page

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