Enabling and using the Prentus integration

Available for Roles Super Admin
Permissions • Manage API credentials and manage integrations
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Using Prentus is one of the fastest ways to source and hire grads from top bootcamps, Lever’s integration with Prentus will allow users to source candidates directly from Prentus and add into Lever easily.

Setting up the Prentus integration

  • In Prentus, navigate to Settings > ATS
  • Click on the Lever button to login to your account

Lever button

Integration preferences

  • Once routed back, you will choose your personal Lever account by typing in your email and hitting the search icon

Lever account connected window with account ID and stage fields

  • Choose a stage to apply to candidates when they are added to your Lever account; candidates are only added when they accept an interview request so we recommend choosing your first interview stage

Lever account connected window with account ID and stage fields

Using the Prentus integration

Since candidates are only added when you request interviews, the first step is to head to the Search page on the Prentus platform. 

  • Navigate to Search and click on your current saved search in the header; if you have not yet created a saved search yet, you will see a Create New Search button

Prentus platform showing candidate and react intern outlined in header

  • If you click on the Edit button or are in the middle of creating a new search, you will see a dropdown with a list of jobs you can associate this search with; if no jobs are shown, click the Refresh button
  • Once you select the job you want, click Save; all future interviews scheduled will lead to the candidate being added to your ATS

Edit search modal with search name, hiring manager, email, and lever job fields

Disabling the Prentus integration

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Authorized Apps
  • Locate the Prentus app
  • Click Revoke Access
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