Enabling and using the Suitable integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations
• (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The Suitable integration will seamlessly sync referrals and job postings with Lever. Suitable makes it easier for recruiters to connect with potential talent from their employees social and professional networks.

Setting up the Suitable integration


You must be a team or organization with admin rights in Suitable to install this integration.
  • In Suitable, navigate to the Preferences option in the menu on the top right side of your Suitable dashboard. 

Suitable platform with preferences outlined in settings menu

  • Once the Preferences page is loaded, you should be able to see the Integrations tab on the left (this is only visible to workspace admins and recruiters with "Manage Integrations" permission).
  • Once the Integrations tab is loaded, locate theLink Lever button in the third row of the list. Click Link Lever. 

Suitable integrations page with lever outlined in list of integrations

  • On the modal, sign into Lever.
  • Preview the requested permissions below: 
    • View all candidate's applications: Required to sync referrals from Lever to Suitable.
    • View and manage all opportunities: Required to post referrals to Lever from Suitable.
    • View all postings: Required to sync jobs from Lever to Suitable.
    • View all stages: Required to sync job pipeline stages from Lever to Suitable.
    • Manage all webhooks: Required to update referral status in realtime from Lever to Suitable.
    • Allow offline access: Required to sync from and to Lever and Suitable without re-login automatically.
  • After reviewing the requested permissions, click Accept. For any questions, please reach out to support@suitable.ai. 

Authorize app modal with list of permissions and blue accept button

  • Once accepted, you will be redirected to Suitable and your integration will complete in the background.

Enable webhooks

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Webhooks
  • Toggle the 'Candidate Stage Changed' and 'Candidate Hired' webhooks to the (blue) on position

Using the Suitable integration

Does the integration change making referrals via Suitable?

Nothing changes apart from the fact that all referrals to your jobs posted on Lever will get synced to Suitable almost instantly. Let's try making a referral as an employee from your Suitable workspace.

Suitable platform showing refer form modal

Now let's see how it looks in your Lever dashboard:

Lever dashboard showing candidate profile with filled fields

How does the integration affect referral tracking for recruiters?

The integration allows your team to sync referrals seamlessly between Lever and Suitable. 

Suitable platform showing candidate listing

At this point, there is no progress to the referral. But after moving the referral to a different stage in Lever, it looks something like this in your Suitable workspace:

Suitable platform showing candidate listing with on site interview tag

Moving even further in Lever to the 'Hired' stage. 

Suitable platform showing candidate listing with hired tag


Every midnight, Suitable will automatically re-sync all your data from Lever to your Suitable workspace in addition to force syncing data to Lever from your Suitable dashboard.

How do I manually sync postings and referrals? 

If you wish to sync postings and referrals to-and-from Lever and Suitable, from your Suitable dashboard, just click on the Sync with Lever button. Your recruiters and employees will be able to see the same button in their respective referral tracking pages. 

Suitable tracking page showing view matched candidates button next to Lever listing

In case you have any questions relating to the Suitable integration, please reach out support@suitable.ai or use the chatbox located at the bottom of the Suitable platform. 

Disabling the Suitable integration

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Authorized Apps
  • Locate the Suitable app
  • Click Revoke Access
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