Enabling and using the TalentQuest integration

Available for User roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages All packages

The TalentQuest integration allows talent acquisition teams to automatically invite applicants to complete TQ Behavioral Assessments by moving candidates to the designated assessment stage on Lever. Assessments may be configured to invite candidates as soon as they apply. 

When a candidate completes a TQ Behavioral Assessment, the integration will update Lever to indicate that the assessment has been completed and provide rich details about the candidate’s key assets, management tips, and additional guidance to help select the best candidate for the job.

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Setting up the TalentQuest integration


Access role must be Super Admin in Lever to set up the integration. You must be a team or organization with admin rights in TalentQuest to install this integration.

To enable the TalentQuest integration, complete the following 3 primary steps:

  1. Reach out to TalentQuest Support at support@talentquest.com to begin the configuration process. The information that TalentQuest Support will need to gather is:
    • The StageID of the Lever opportunity workflow that should trigger assessments
    • The TalentQuest Assessment Profile that should be assigned to any assessments launched through the integration
  2. Once the information above is gathered, TalentQuest will configure the integration in a disabled state
  3. In a live session with TalentQuest, a Lever Super Admin user will authorize the integration permissions, which will enable the integration

Authorization modal listing request permissions

Using the TalentQuest integration

Configuring a job to automatically launch assessments

To automatically trigger assessments for candidates, simply add the appropriate tag to the job posting in Lever. The TalentQuest integration supports either launching an assessment immediately when an applicant applies for a job or when the candidate reaches a specific stage. Below are the tags that are to be used to determine how the assessment launching should behave.

  • TalentQuest:All. Adding this tag will trigger the assessment at the "applicant-new" stage on Lever. 
  • TalentQuest:Specific Stage. Adding this tag will trigger the assessment for candidates once they are moved to a specific stage in the Lever workflow. 

TalentQuest:Specific Stage tag on posting in Lever


Reviewing assessment results in Lever

When a TQ Behavioral Assessment is completed by a candidate, the results are made available as feedback on the candidate opportunity in Lever. The results include a detailed narrative describing the individual’s key assets, tips on managing the individual, and many other details, including a link to the full report.

TalentQuest Assessment results on candidate profile in Lever

Disabling the TalentQuest integration

  1. In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API
  2. Under the Authorized Apps tab, locate the TalentQuest app
  3. Click Revoke Access to disable the integration
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