Enabling and using the TeamWork Online integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations
• (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings
• (To use) Create and edit postings
• (To use) Manage tags
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The TeamWork Online integration allows customers to publish jobs to TeamWork Online and receive applications directly on Lever. When customers publish jobs in Lever, customers use a mix of pre-existing fields and tags in order to match roles with the most aligned talent on TeamWork. For more information about enabling this integration please contact Davis Filippell from TeamWork Online (davis@teamworkonline.com) or refer to the TeamWork Online website


Setting up the TeamWork Online integration


You must be a team or organization with a membership to TeamWork Online to activate this integration.

Share your API Key with TeamWork Online

The first step to active your integration is to share the API Key in your Lever system with an Associate at TeamWork Online:

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > API Credentials
  • Click the GENERATE NEW KEY button
  • Scroll down to the Permissions section of the page and select the checkboxes for the following permissions:
    • read opportunity 
    • list postings
  • Click COPY KEY and share with an Associate from TeamWork via a secure transfer mechanism
  • Work with an Associate at TeamWork to complete the setup of the API Key in TeamWork’s system

For more information on where to locate the API key, please review Lever's article on Generating API credentials in Lever.

Configuring the TeamWork Online integration

Setup Candidate Hired Webhook

The second step to active the integration is to activate a CANDIDATE HIRED Webhook between Lever and TeamWork.

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Webhooks
  • Navigate to the CANDIDATE HIRED section and select Add webhook
  • Your TeamWork Associate will share the webhook URL to configure in Lever (see empty field labeled as 'https://yoursite.com'). 
  • Once you have added the webhook URL to Lever, navigate to the Triggers for candidates of the selected origin section and uncheck the following triggers: 'University', 'Sourced', 'Referred' and 'Agency'. Only the 'Applied trigger' will be checked.

  • Copy the text in the Signature token field and share with an Associate at TeamWork via a secure transfer mechanism.
  • Work with an Associate at TeamWork, who will confirm when the Signature token is placed in the required destination.
  • Click the button VERIFY CONNECTION. If successful, the text of the button will change to 'VERIFIED', preceded by a green check.
  • Toggle the CANDIDATE HIRED webhook setting to enable the webhook (if it is not already turned on).  

Using the TeamWork Online integration

The TeamWork Online integration syncs the following sources of data (including a reference to which job posting datapoints within Lever drive the data):

  • Job Title: Mapped directly from each role’s 'Job title' in Lever
  • Job Description: Mapped directly from each role’s 'Job description' in Lever
  • City, State, Postal Code, and Country: Geocoded using each role’s 'Location' in Lever.
  • Job Categories: Roles on TeamWork are aligned to 1-3 'Job Categories', which guide filtering selections and informs TeamWork’s precision outreach for roles. 'Job Categories' are mapped using the 'Department/team' posting field within Lever.
    • To access your list of Department/team values in Lever navigate to Settings > Company > Departments & Teams


Share your complete list of Department/team selection options in Lever with an Associate at TeamWork. A TeamWork Associate will build a mapping matrix that aligns each Lever Department/team selection (exact text) with 1-2 TeamWork Online Job Categories. This mapping can be updated at any time via a request to a TeamWork Associate.
  • Career Level: Roles on TeamWork aligned to 1 of 6 'Career Level' selections, which guides filtering selections and informs TeamWork’s precision outreach for roles. The 'Career Levels' values are: Part Time, Intern, Entry Level, Manager, Director, Senior. 'Career Levels' are mapped using Tags in Lever. For every role, employers should add 1 of the following 'Tags':
    • Part Time
    • Intern
    • Entry Level
    • Manager
    • Director
    • Senior


When adding tags in Lever, exact text match is required. 

For guidance on which 'Career Level' to select, candidates on TeamWork are given the following guidance on how roles on TeamWork are mapped to each different 'Career Level':

  • Part Time
  • Intern: Typically current student or recent graduate
  • Entry Level: 0-2 yrs of experience (up to mid five-figure salary)
  • Manager: 3-5 yrs of experience (up to high five-figure salary)
  • Director: 6-9 yrs of experience (up to or above six-figure salary)
  • Senior: C-suite, VP, department lead, high-level individual contributor


Employers can also map roles to TeamWork Career Levels using the 'Salary range' field in Lever, provided that the Salary range is configured to be public and displayed to candidates. If an employer would like to use the 'Salary range' field to guide 'Career Level' mapping, please work with a TeamWork Associate who can share more details on the exact numerical ranges that map to each 'Career Level'.
  • Organization: Each employer will have a default organization, with customizable branding (e.g., logo associated with each job, organization name associated with each job). If an employer has certain jobs which would benefit from distinct logos and organization names, employers can work with a TeamWork Associate to set up multiple Organizations within TeamWork’s system.

When you publish a job on Lever, you can use Tags to align each specific job with a specific organization. The Employer should work with a TeamWork associate to determine the name for each Tag and add the appropriate Tag for each role.

Support for the TeamWork Integration

Employers who use TeamWork’s integration with Lever will have access to TeamWork’s platform and resources.

Please feel free to reach out to TeamWork Online’s team members for additional support:

Disabling the TeamWork Online integration

  1. In Lever navigate to Settings > Integrations and API
  2. Under the API Credentials tab, locate the TeamWork Online API credentials
  3. Click the trash can icon to disable the integration
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