Enabling and using the myInterview integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

myInterview is a video screening tool that enables you to streamline hiring and reveal the personality behind the paper. The integration with Lever allows you to invite candidates to a video interview and review each candidate’s response from within Lever.

Workflow Overview

1. Integrate myInterview and Lever and choose the stage that will trigger the myInterview invitation.

2. Setup your question templates within myInterview and export to access the Template IDs.

3. Setup your branding within myInterview.

4. Add the Template ID as a tag within your Lever Job, move candidate(s) to the 'myInterview' stage.

    • A Job will be created within myInterview.
    • All candidate invitation emails will be sent through myInterview.

5. Review the Candidate Video within Lever.

Please click on the following video for a quick overview of the integration. 

Setup the integration:

Note: Access role must be Super Admin in order to set up the integration.

Connecting the Integration

1. In the myInterview platform, navigate to your username at the top right and select Integrations from the drop-down.

MyInterview platform with integrations outlined from the dropdown menu.

2. Click Add Integration on the Lever tile.

MyInterview platform with add integrations button in the Lever listing.

3. On the setup screen explaining how the integration with Lever works, click Sign in with Lever which will open a new sign-in window.

MyInterview platform with sign into Lever page.

4. Once authenticated, the modal will guide you to connect myInterview with a trigger stage in Lever. (This is what will trigger the video interview. We recommend asking Lever to create a stage name called ‘myInterview’ or ‘Video Interview’.)

MyInterview platform with connet to Lever modal.

To edit your workflow and create a stage named ‘myInterview’, please raise a support request via the Lever Support request form prior to authenticating.

How to configure the integration:

Allow webhooks

This integration uses Webhooks to synchronize the candidates and to trigger the Video Interview, however, by default, the necessary webhooks are not enabled. To enable them, open up Settings in Lever. 

MyInterview platform with settings outlined from the dropdown menu.

From the sidebar select Integrations and API.

Lever platform with my account outlined from the dropdown menu.

Then select the WEBHOOKS tab.

Lever platform showing webhooks tab.

From the list of Webhooks, enable “CANDIDATE STAGE CHANGE” and “CANDIDATE ARCHIVE STATE CHANGE” as shown in the picture below. The webhooks will be prefilled with the relevant information.

Lever platform Webhook configuration page.

How to use the integration:

Once the integration is set up, there are two important factors to consider in the integration. In myInterview, you can create a question template, download the list of templates and attach the ID to a job in Lever. When the first candidate is sent across, it will automatically create the job in myInterview, set up the interview with the question templates and send an invitation to the candidate.

Setting up a myInterview template

In order to send the appropriate interview to your candidate, the question templates need to be set and linked to your Lever job posting. You can set up as many question templates as you require. 

Managing templates

Open the myInterview console and select “Templates” from the side-bar.

Use the dropdown to edit your templates or create a new template.

Getting Template_id

Once you have set up a question template, you can download the templates file which will contain both the id and name. 

If you have special characters in your template name (or have more than one template with the same name) you can use the template_id.

Table with template id number and name of template.

Adding myInterview to your job posting (linking a template)

In order to link a template to a Lever job posting add a tag named: “myInterview:<TEMPLATE NAME>” to your posting.

Please note:

1. You can only add one tag on each posting.  

2. The “<TEMPLATE NAME>” must be identical to the name in your myInterview dashboard exactly (ex. myInterview:Lever Demo). This is case and space-sensitive. 

3. Alternatively you can use the template_id as shown in the screenshot below.

Each posting must have a tag or it will be ignored. 

Lever platform showing my interview tag

Customizing Messaging to Candidates

Within myInterview you can set up the following messaging across the invitation journey for candidates:

  • Invite Email: Email the candidate receives inviting them to their video interview.
  • Invite SMS: SMS Message the candidate receives inviting them to their video interview.
  • Reminder Email: If automated reminders are enabled, the email sent to gently nudge candidates.
  • Thank You Email: Confirmation email the candidate receives after completing their video interview.

Within each template, you can customize the message that candidates will receive across the job for your account. Please ensure to ‘Set this template as default’.

Managing Candidate’s Video Interviews in Lever

When a candidate is invited to a video interview within their respective stage, a candidate tag will be added to Lever ('MyInterview: Invite Sent'). 

When the candidate completes their interview, the tag will change to 'myInterview: Interview Completed'.

The use of these tags are standardized and will allow you to filter jobs based on tags and easily identify which candidates have or have not completed their video interview.

Viewing a video from Lever

To view the candidate’s video interview, simply click on the link in the candidate overview page and you can view their interview directly from Lever. Alternatively, you can also log in to the myInterview Dashboard for additional functionality.

Lever candidate profile showing myInterview update in candidate history section.

Usage and troubleshooting

When a candidate is moved to the “trigger stage” initially set up during the authentication process, the candidate will receive an email with a link to the myInterview video interview. This will be reflected in Lever with a tag on the candidate stating “myInterview: Invite sent”.

If the candidate provided a phone number (with international format with full area code) they will also receive an SMS invite to the interview.

After the interview is completed, the tag in Lever will be updated to “myInterview: Interview complete” and the candidate will have a note attached with a link to review the video interview.

Oh-no troubleshooting

In most cases if there is an issue inviting the candidate, a note will be attached to the candidate on the Lever console.

Once all the issues have been resolved, the invite can be resent by moving the candidate to a different stage and moving them back to the trigger stage.

Here are some common issues:

  • Missing email: A candidate must have at least one email address on file.
  • SMS Invite not received: This typically occurs because the phone number wasn't internationally formatted.
  • Template not found: This occurs when the template specified on the posting (“myInterview:<Template name>“) was not found in the myInterview system. This is most likely due to a misspelling (or casing) of the name. However, if your template name has special characters in it you can also refer to it by its template_id.

If the note specifies any other error please contact myInterview Support at support@myinterview.com.

How to disable the integration:

1. Navigate to your Integrations & API Settings Page in Lever.

2. Under the Authorized Apps tab locate the myInterview app.

3. Click Revoke Access to disable the integration.

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