Enabling and using the ZoomInfo TalentOS integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Connect your Lever account to ZoomInfo TalentOS, which allows you to export candidate records to Lever as a Candidate or to a Job. These step-by-step instructions simplify this process, focusing on the practical application and omitting the technical jargon.

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Setup the integration:


Access role must be Super Admin in Lever to set up the integration. You must be an Account Admin in ZoomInfo TalentOS to install this integration.

1. In the ZoomInfo TalentOS application, click on your initials in the top right corner and hit Admin. 

2. From the Admin Portal, click Integrations. 

Zoom info Admin Portal showing lever tile highlighted

3. Find the Lever button and toggle on. 

4. Enter your Lever login credentials.

5. Review requested permissions. Click Accept.

Your integration is set up and all account users will see Lever as an export option within ZoomInfo TalentOS and the ReachOut Google Chrome extension.

How to configure the integration:

Lever Export Settings

Account admins can access Lever export settings in the Admin Portal in ZoomInfo TalentOS by clicking the blue Manage button on the Lever chip. 

Zoom info Admin Portal showing export preferences

Lever Mapping Settings

Account admins can access Lever mapping settings in the Admin Portal by clicking the blue Manage button on the Lever chip. Note, that we support all default Lever fields but do not have custom mapping at this time. 

Zoom info Admin Portal showing mapping fields

How to use the integration:

All users can send candidate records in ZoomInfo TalentOS to Lever as a Candidate or to a Job by completing the following steps:

1. Select the desired candidate(s) in the TalentOS dashboard or ReachOut Chrome Extension.

2. Click the Export menu. 

3. Hover over Lever and click Add as Candidate or Add to Job.

Zoom info Admin Portal showing list of candidates

How to disable the integration:

How to disable the integration in ZoomInfo TalentOS: 

1. Access the Admin Portal in ZoomInfo. 

2. Click on Integrations in the left column. 

3. Find the Lever button and toggle off.

How to disable the integration in Lever:

1. Navigate to your Integrations & API Settings Page in Lever.

2. Under the Authorized Apps tab, locate the ZoomInfo TalentOS app.

3. Click Revoke Access to disable the integration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the ReachOut Chrome Extension work with Lever?

Yes, all users can export candidate data from LinkedIn to Lever through the TalentOS ReachOut Chrome Extension. Note, Admins will need to connect Lever with ZoomInfo TalentOS before exporting candidates to Lever.

How many credits does it cost to export a candidate to Lever?

1 export = 1 credit.

What is the max number of candidates a user can export to Lever at a time?

A maximum of 2,000 candidates can be exported at a time, with 1,000 candidates listed in the default setting. 

Will the ZoomInfo TalentOS data update existing Candidate record information in Lever?

Yes, this is a default setting. Admins can map records to overwrite an existing field or complete if that field is empty in Lever. 

Will a new Candidate record in Lever be created during the export if it does not exist?

Yes, a new Candidate record will be created automatically in Lever if it does not exist.

What fields can be mapped to Lever?

All default Lever fields are supported and will map accordingly. We currently do not support exporting ZoomInfo data to custom fields in Lever. For a complete list of which fields are available to map to Lever, please visit the Lever Mapping Settings page in the Admin Portal within ZoomInfo TalentOS.

Why combine ZoomInfo’s TalentOS with Lever?

The combined power of ZoomInfo TalentOS and Lever can help your team streamline the sourcing process. 

Teams spend less time manually importing candidate information into the ATS and spend more time focused on sourcing talent, connecting with candidates, and improving the recruiting process.

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