Enabling and using the Equip integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations
• (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The Equip integration will allow your team to automatically invite candidates to take Equip assessments from Lever. The results then get updated on the candidate’s Lever profile.

Setting up the Equip integration


This integration is only available to Equip customers on the Premium Plan.

Enabling the integration

  • On the Equip Recruiter dashboard, navigate to the Integrations page by clicking on the Integrations link in the sidebar.

Equip platform with integrations circled in left hand menu

  • Click the Configure button, within the Lever card.

Equip platform integrations page with Lever card

  • Review the requested permissions. Click the Accept

Lever and equip authorize modal showing list of permissions and blue accept button

Configuring the Equip integration

Enabling webhooks

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Webhooks
  • Enable the 'Candidate Stage Change' webhook if it is not already toggled on

Lever webhook configuration page with candidate stage change toggle on blue

Add 'Equip assessment' pipeline stage

Create a new stage named “Equip Assessment” to your Lever pipeline. For more information on adding a new stage, refer to our help article on adding pipeline stages. Once a candidate is moved to this stage, Equip will automatically send them an assessment that you have previously mapped to the job posting.

The integration is now ready to use!

Using the Equip integration

Configuring the assessment on Equip

  • Once the integration is configured, you will be redirected to a page on Equip where you can map Lever job postings with Equip assessments.
    • For example, Job Posting X is mapped to Equip Assessment Y. If a candidate for X is moved to the Equip Assessment stage on Lever, Equip will automatically email the candidates the link to Y.

Equip platform showing lever integration

  • Select the job posting and the relevant Equip assessment and click on the Map button. This will map the job posting to the Equip assessment.
  • Once the linking is successful, you should see a tag created on the job posting containing the Equip assessment’s ID.

Lever job listing with equip assessment tag outlined

Inviting candidates to take the Equip assessment

To send a candidate an email with a link to the relevant assessment:

  • In Lever, navigate to the Candidates section
  • Open the opportunity of the candidate to whom would like to send the assessment
  • If no job has been associated to the candidate, select the relevant job posting by clicking on the Choose Job button. Select job. 

Lever candidiate listing with choose job button outlined

  • Move the candidate to the 'Equip assessment' stage to automatically send them an email with a link to the Equip assessment. 

Lever candidiate listing showing stage change list

What should the integration look like in Lever?

Once the candidate completes the assessment, Equip adds a feedback form with a note to the Lever opportunity with the assessment results. The feedback form will include a Lever rating, a note with a summary of their scores and a link to open up the detailed assessment report on Equip. You will be able to see the test results, as well as the proctoring summary on Equip. 

Lever candidiate profile showing assessment results in candidate history

The assigned Lever Rating is calculated based on the following scale:

Equip Assessment Percentage (%) Lever Rating
0 - 34 1 (Strong No Hire)
35 - 49 2 (No Hire)
50 - 74 3 (Hire)
75 - 100 4 (Strong Hire)


Disabling the Equip integration

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Authorized Apps
  • Locate the Equip app
  • Click Revoke Access
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