Available for | Roles | Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member Can only be enabled by Super Admins |
Permissions | • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations • (To configure) Manage pipeline stages • (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings |
Packages | LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise |
The Global HR Research integration allows customers to seamlessly invite candidates to complete background verifications. Progress updates and the completed report link are automatically synced to the Lever opportunity so customers can easily monitor and review the background check from within Lever. Visit the GHRR website for more information about Global HR Research, A DISA Company.
Setting up the Global HR Research (GHRR) integration
You must be a team or organization with admin rights in GHRR to install this integration. |
- As a first step, please contact your Global HR Research Account Manager to help enable the integration.
Create the Background Check trigger stage
- In Lever, go to Settings > Pipeline and Archive Reasons
- Click Customize Pipeline Stages
- Click Add Stage
- In the Name field, type "Background Check"
- Click Add Stage
- Move the Background Check stage to the desired location in your pipeline
- Click Next
For additional guidance, refer to Lever's help article on creating new pipeline stages.
STOP. You must be setup in GHRR prior to completing the following steps (including the package assignments). |
Authorize the Integration
- Click the authorization link provided by GHRR
- Log in to Lever using your Admin credentials
- Review the list of request permissions and click Accept
- To confirm that the integration has successfully authorized, in Lever, go to Settings > Integrations and API > Authorized Apps
- The GHRR integration should now be listed under Authorized Apps
Configuring the Global HR Research (GHRR) integration
Enable Webhook
- In Lever, go to Settings > Integrations and API > Webhooks
- Scroll down to the Candidate Stage Change webhook section
- You'll notice that the GHRR integration has automatically created the Candidate Stage Change webhook
- Toggle the Candidate Stage Change webhook to the on (blue) position, if it is not already been enabled.
Background Package Profile Form
The GHRR integration will automatically create the "Background Package" form that includes all relevant account packages in Lever.
- In Lever, go to Settings > Forms
- Locate the newly created "Background Package" profile form to view
Using the Global HR Research (GHRR) integration
Create the Background Check Order
- Open the candidate Opportunity in Lever
- Check to make sure that the candidate has an email address on the Opportunity
- Click the 3 dots
- Click Add Form
- Locate the Background Package form to add it to the Opportunity
- Select the desired background check package
- Click Submit
- Change the candidate stage to "Background Check"
- The integration will send a request to GHRR for the order
How to view Background Check order updates in Lever
GHRR will send notifications to Lever as the Background Check order progresses (i.e. Candidate submitted info, Order is in review, Complete, etc) as a note on the Lever opportunity.
- For Draft, Review, and Completed GHRR statuses, the note will include a link to the order profile in GHRR's system.
- Tags will be updated in Lever to indicate the GHRR stage.
Disabling the Global HR Research (GHRR) integration
- In Lever navigate to Settings > Integrations and API
- Under the Authorized Apps tab, locate the GHRR app
- Click Revoke access to disable the integration