Available for | Roles | Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member Can only be configured by Super Admins |
Packages | Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise |
Interviewing.io helps to eliminate resume bias by allowing you to conduct anonymized technical interviews with top-performing candidates. Through interviewing.io's integration with Lever, when a candidate meets the technical requirements for a role, their candidate details will be directly exported into your LeverTRM environment. Readers of this article will learn about:
Enabling the interviewing.io integration
The following setup steps can only be completed by users with Super Admin access in Lever and administrator access in interviewing.io. |
Step 1: Request to enable the integration in Lever
- Navigate to Settings > Integrations and API, scroll to the 'Sourcing' section, and click the interviewing.io toggle.
- Click the Send Request to Enable button. A Lever support representative will be notified of your request and will contact you to provide a secure link to a document containing the Lever Data API key that you will need later in the setup process.
Step 2: Generate a webhook signature token in Lever
- Navigate to the Webhooks tab from the top of the Integrations and API page.
- Click + Add webhook under the 'Candidate Stage Change' toggle and copy the signature token.
- Click + Add webhook under the 'Candidate Hired' toggle and copy the signature token.
Step 3: Configure the integration in interviewing.io
- Log in to your interviewing.io administrator account, click Settings in the left-side navigation, and select Lever.
- Input the Lever Data API key that you received during Step 1 in the 'API key' field.
- Input the 'Candidate Stage Change' and 'Candidate Hired' webhook signature tokens that you generated during Step 2 in the 'Webhook Signing Token' fields.
- Input the email address of the Lever user that you would like to set as the default "perform as" user. In the event that the integration cannot post candidate updates as the user who initiated the integration request, this user whose email address you enter here will be associated with those updates as a fallback.
- In the 'Default funnel stage' menu, select the stage in your Lever pipeline in which you wish candidate opportunities to be generated following a successful interview (or unsuccessful interview if you have chosen this option as part of the configuration).
- interviewing.io will generate webhook URLs (one for each Lever webhook). Copy these webhooks for use in the final step.
Example of a webhook URL generated by interviewing.io
- Click the toggle to enable the configuration and then click the Save Changes button.
Step 4: Activate the integration in Lever
- Navigate back to the Webhooks tab in the Integrations and API section of your Settings and paste the interviewing.io webhook URLs (copied in Step 3) into the fields beneath the 'Candidate Stage Change' and 'Candidate Hired' toggles respectively (the same tiles from which you first copied the Lever signature tokens).
Example of an interviewing.io webhook URL pasted into the 'Candidate Hired' webhook field in Lever.
- Flip the 'Candidate Stage Change' and 'Candidate Hired' toggles to the on position. The toggles will turn blue to indicate that it has been activated.
- Click the Verify Connection button on both webhook tiles to finish the setup process.
How the interviewing.io integration works
Once the integration has been enabled, a new candidate profile and opportunity will be automatically generated in your LeverTRM environment following interview completion and feedback submission in interviewing.io. The generated opportunities will appear in whichever stage you specified as the 'Default funnel stage' when configuring the integration in interviewing.io. If you have configured the integration such that profiles and opportunities are generated for both successful and unsuccessful interviews, note that candidate profiles associated with candidates that completed an unsuccessful interview in interviewing.io will appear under an anonymous pseudonym in Lever.
When an opportunity that was generated via the interviewing.io integration is archived as 'Hired' in Lever, candidate data is synced back from Lever to your interviewing.io environment.