Understanding the differences between job posting states

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Permissions • Create and edit postings
Packages All packages
The ability to list postings as confidential requires LeverTRM for Enterprise

Job postings can be in one of eight states. The state of your job posting can depend on a variety of things including the type of candidates you want to apply for the job, the degree of visibility you want the posting to have, and how far along you are in creating the job posting.

Job posting states

The eight job posting states are: external, internal, unlisted, confidential, closed, draft, pending, and rejected.

When creating a job posting, you will be prompted to select its distribution state. External, internal, unlisted, and confidential are distribution states, and dictate where a posting can be found by candidates once it is created. External job postings and unlisted postings are visible to referrers by default, but can be set to not visible to referrers.

Lever job posting distribution option selector.

Once a posting has been created, its state will be listed in the upper right corner of the posting editor.

Lever job posting with arrow pointing to dropdown job posting distribution dropdown menu.

You can also find a breakdown of how many postings you have in each state in the column in Jobs > Postings. Click into a posting states to filter to view only those job postings.

Lever jobs page with left hand job menu outlined.

Below are descriptions of each job posting state:


External job postings are postings that appear on your public careers page. These are job postings that are open to the public, meaning candidates can apply to each of these jobs. Mark job postings as external when you have an open job that you are hoping to fill and you are actively looking for applicants. External job postings are visible to referrers by default, but can be set to not visible to referrers.


Internal job postings are postings that appear on your internal job site. Only members of your team with a Lever account will be able to access and apply to internal job postings. To learn more, refer to our help article on internal job sites.


External and Internal posting states are not mutually exclusive, meaning you can list a posting as both externally and internally visible. Note that Lever users cannot refer candidates for postings that are in a strictly Internal state.


Unlisted job postings do not appear on your external or internal job sites. You can still add unlisted postings to candidates. Members of your team can submit referrals for unlisted job postings, if you check the box "Visible to referrers and via direct link". Unlisted postings are useful if you are actively sourcing for a role but do not want to accept any external or internal applicants. Note that anyone with the link to the unlisted posting will be able to apply for the role.

Lever job posting distribution option selector with arrows pointing to checked Visible to referrers in Listed and Unlisted section.


Confidential job postings do not appear on your external or internal job sites. Robust and precise access controls ensure that visibility into these postings (as well as any candidates tied to them) can be restricted to a small subset of involved stakeholders. Confidential postings are useful when hiring for sensitive roles, such as executives and planned backfills of existing employees. Once a role is set to confidential, this action cannot be undone and the state can then only be set to closed. To learn more about confidential jobs, check out our help article on creating confidential job postings


Only users with Super Admin or Admin level access can list a posting as confidential. The ability to list postings as confidential requires the LeverTRM for Enterprise package.


Moving a job posting into a closed state will remove the posting from all of your job sites and prevent new candidates from applying. As a best practice, we advise closing job postings instead of deleting them once a role has been filled so that you can report on the performance of the posting in the future. Also, if you and your team re-open a role, you can always move a closed posting back to external, internal, or unlisted. Jump to the editing the state of a posting section of this article for instructions on how to close a posting.


Draft job postings are postings that you are still in the process of putting together. Draft postings do not appear on your public jobs site. Once you have finalized your posting, be sure to set it one of the distribution states described above. Posting drafts can be found in the 'Drafts' section of your Jobs > Postings page.


Depending on the approval workflows set up in your organization's Lever environment, new postings may need to be approved by one or more stakeholders before being distributed to your job sites. Postings awaiting approval can be found in the 'Pending' section of your Jobs > Postings page.


If your organization has set up approval workflows in your Lever environment, new postings may need to be approved by one or more stakeholders before being distributed to your job site(s). Postings that have been denied approval can be found in the 'Rejected' section of your Jobs > Postings page. From here, rejected postings can be edited and submitted for re-approval.

Editing the state of a posting

To change the state of a published posting:

  • Navigate to the Jobs > Postings page
  • Select the job for which you want to change the state
  • Click the button labelled with the current state of the posting in the upper-right of the posting editor and select the new desired state from the menu that appears
  • Click the Update button

Menu expanded from button labelled with posting state in upper right of posting editor with options to select from other distribution states or to close the posting.


Postings that were originally set to confidential cannot have their state changed to another distribution state.
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