Operating the Archive

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Permissions • Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise


This introduction to Lever is covered in more detail in Lever's Administrator course series in Employ HireEd.

This article is the sixth and final article in a series designed to help you understand the structure and operation of Lever's unified pipeline. This article will take a close look at the Archive section of the pipeline and how it functions. If you missed it, the second article in this series defines the difference between candidates and opportunities in LeverTRM - a key distinction when it comes to navigating your pipeline.

Archive reasons and structure

Visually, the Archive mirrors the structure of the other sections of the pipeline. However, unlike the Lead, Applicant and Interview sections, the Archive is segmented by archive reasons instead of stages. You will find archive reasons arranged horizontally above the opportunity list. Selecting an archive reason will filter for opportunities archived for that specific reason.

As with the stages in Applicant and Interview sections, archive reasons are typically configured when your organization first sets up their Lever instance. To learn more or adding, removing, or renaming archive reasons, refer to our help article on archive reason customization.

Adding opportunities to the Archive

Opportunities can be moved to the Archive from any section or stage of the pipeline. There are three ways in which an opportunity can be archived:

Close-up of candidate profile with arrow pointing to Archive button.

Multiple opportunities selected in the Applicant section of the pipeline with an arrow pointing to the Archive button in the action toolbar.


You also have the ability to manually update opportunity archive reasons, or to unarchive opportunities. These actions can be taken on a single opportunity or in bulk.

Automated archiving through automation workflow

As well, users with Super Admin access or automation manage permissions can set up automation workflows in their Lever instance that will auto-archive opportunities that meet certain conditions. This feature is commonly used to auto-archive candidates based off of knockout questions in the application form.

Automation workflow editor with action set to archive.

Check out our article on automation workflows to learn how they can enable your recruitment team to be more efficient.


Save time by selecting the option to draft and send an email to the candidate when manually archiving their opportunity. If auto-archiving, add an action to send an email to the candidate as part of the same automation workflow.

Reviewing the Archive for insights

The 'Last stage reached' filter in the Archive section allows those reviewing the Archive to see the tallies of the last stage reached by listed opportunities. These tallies update to reflect any filters you apply to the Archive. Use filter to identify where the largest number of opportunities are dropping off in your pipeline. Make sure these numbers align with your archive reasons and make adjustments to your recruitment processes as needed.


To illustrate this concept, let's look at an example. In the image below the Archive has been filtered for opportunities that have been archived as 'Under-qualified.' We can see in the filter menu that the majority of opportunities archived for this reason are archived from the 'Hiring Manager Screen' stage.

Archive section of pipeline filtered for opportunities archived as Under-qualified. HM Screen entry on Last stage reached table to the left of the opportunity list is circled.

This tells us that most under-qualified candidates make it all the way to face-to-face interview with a hiring manager before they are vetted out of the pipeline. As a talent leader, I could take this metric as reason to review the processes my team employs at the 'Recruiter screen' stage to see if there is a change we can make to dismiss more under-qualified candidates before they get passed on to a hiring manager.

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