Printing feedback for candidates

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Permissions • View profiles and associated job postings
• View other users' interview feedback (if printing other than your own)
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

If you'd like to share interview feedback through print out, or if you'd like to save interview feedback in a separate file, then you have the ability to print and share feedback outside of Lever as needed.

Printing feedback

To print feedback associated with a candidate profile, click the ellipses (⋯) button at the top of their profile and select Print feedback.

Menu expanded from top of candidate profile with arrow pointing to Print feedback option.

The following information is included in printed feedback:

  • Feedback submitted by interviewers about the candidate
  • Notes with ratings (notes without ratings are not included)
  • The candidate's resume

Depicted below is an example of printed feedback that includes feedback from an interview, a note with a rating, and resume.

Example of printed feedback

Frequently asked questions

Can I bulk print feedback for multiple candidates to share with interviewers?

It is not possible to bulk print feedback. As an alternative, we recommend using Lever's bulk share functionality to send candidate profiles and resumes to interviewers in your organization:

  • Navigate to the Candidates page
  • Check the boxes next to the names of the candidates whose opportunities you wish to share
  • Click the Share button in the bulk action tool bar
  • Input the email address(es) of the intended recipients
    • Recipients do not have to be users in your Lever environment
  • Draft a message and/or provide a rating for the candidates you are sharing
  • Click the Send button

If the recipients are users in your Lever environment, they will be sent links to the shared candidates' profiles (which they can view provided they have the necessary access role), along with their resumes and your message/rating. If the recipients are not users in your Lever environment, the email will only contain candidates' names, resumes, and your message/rating. To learn more, check out our help article on sharing candidates.

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