Data Explorer: Folders

Available for Roles Super Admin
Permissions • Access Visual Insights Report Builder (Data Explorer)
Packages LeverTRM for Enterprise and/or Advanced Analytics add-on


This article depicts and describes Lever's Visual Insights Dashboard Templates in Data Explorer enhancement scheduled to rollout progressively in September 2024. For release information, refer to our Summer 2024 Product Release page.

Folders in Data Explorer are used to organize your team's saved Looks and custom dashboards. Utilizing these folders will help you keep your custom-built charts and dashboards in proper order, and accessible to those in your organization with whom you want to collaborate on insights.

Folder access and descriptions

To access folders in Data Explorer...

  • Navigate to Visual Insights via the platform header
  • Click the chevron (>) on the left side of the page
  • Click Data Explorer and select any data set
  • Click the folder icon in the upper-right corner

Folder menu in Data Explorer

There are four folders in Data Explorer:

This folder holds any custom dashboards or Looks that you have marked as a favorite. The contents of the 'Favorites' folder are specific to your account, meaning only Looks and dashboards that you have marked as a favorite in 'My folder' or the 'Group' folder will appear. Use this folder for easy access to custom dashboards and Looks that you visit regularly.

My folder
This is your personal folder. Any custom dashboards or Looks that you save to this folder can only be viewed and edited by you. See below for instructions on how to save custom dashboards and Looks to folders.

This an instance-level folder, accessible to any users with roles provisioned with the 'Access Visual Insights Report Builder (Data Explorer)' permission. Any custom dashboards or Looks that you save to this folder can be viewed and edited by any users in your Lever instance with access to Data Explorer. Use this folder to share custom charts and dashboards with others at your organization. See below for instructions on how to save custom dashboards and Looks to folders.

This folder contains templates that you can use as a starting point when building custom charts in Data Explorer. See below for instructions on how to use templates you find in the 'Shared' folder.

Adding to your 'Favorites' folder

To add a custom dashboard or Look to your 'Favorites' folder, simply click the heart icon (♡) next to its title.

Adding a custom dashboard to the 'Favorites' folder

A Look that has been added to the 'Favorites' folder

Saving to 'My folder' and the 'Group' folder

When saving a custom chart that you have built or edited, you will need to select a folder to which to save it. The folder selection process can look slightly different, depending on if you are saving a chart to a new dashboard, an existing dashboard, or as a Look.

Saving a custom chart to a new dashboard

Save as a new dashboard modal with title entered.

Saving a custom chart to an existing dashboard

Add to a Dashboard in this folder modal with existing dashboard selected and title input for new chart.

Saving a custom chart as a Look

Save Look modal with title input for new chart.

For full instructions on how save custom-built charts, refer to our help article on building custom charts. We also recommend reading our help article on the difference between adding and saving Looks to custom dashboards.

Backing up custom charts saved to the 'Group' folder

Custom-built charts will only be saved to the folder that you select. If you are saving custom charts to the 'Group' folder, we recommend also saving them to 'My folder' as a backup. In the event that a user with access to the 'Group' folder mistakenly deletes or edits a custom chart within it, you can easily restore the chart by saving a new copy of the original version from your personal folder to the 'Group' folder.

To restore a chart that you have backed up in 'My folder':

  • Navigate to the chart in 'My folder'
  • Click the gear icon (⛭) and select a save option
  • In the save modal, select the 'Group' folder
  • Click the Save button


The 'Group' folder is a great way to share custom dashboards and Looks with others in your organization - you can simply send them the URL for the custom dashboard or Look in the 'Group' folder. Just remember that the recipient must have a role provisioned with the 'Access Visual Insights Report Builder (Data Explorer)' permission in order to view and edit custom dashboard or Look you are attempting to share with them.

Using templates in the 'Shared' folder

The templates in the 'Shared' folder are meant to be used as a starting point for creating a custom looks, dashboards, or exportable files. Shared templates come ready-built as a look or dashboard with all data fields needed. You can then customize the template by making edits such as adding or removing data fields and incorporating filters.

To use a 'Data Explorer Examples' template in the 'Shared' folder:

  • Select the 'Shared' folder from the folder menu in Data Explorer
  • Select 'Data Explorer Examples'
  • Select the folder for the data set from which you want to build your custom chart
  • Select from the available Looks in the sub-folder
  • Click the gear icon (⛭) and select Save As

Look template with options menu expanded and Save As option highlighted

To use a 'Visual Insights Dashboard' template in the 'Shared' folder:

  • Select the 'Shared' folder from the folder menu in Data Explorer
  • Select the 'Visual Insights Dashboard' folder
  • Select from the list of available Dashboard templates

Data Explorer shared folder with Visual Insights dashboard templates highlighted.


Beginning in Summer 2024, Lever will be releasing standard Visual Insights dashboard templates in waves. Not all Visual Insights dashboards are available as a template at this time.

To use 'Export Templates' in the 'Shared' folder:

  • Select the 'Shared' folder from the folder menu in Data Explorer
  • Select 'Export Templates'
  • Select the export data set from which you want to build your custom chart

Below you will find a breakdown of export templates, including the data fields of which they are composed. 


A number of these export templates were built to replace the exports available in Legacy Reports. With the enhanced Data Exports for Visual Insights feature included in Lever's Summer 2024 Product Release, Visual Insights exports have now reached parity with Legacy Reports. To learn more, please refer to our help article on Visual Insights exports.

Opportunities data export template

This template has been built to replace the Candidates export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with opportunities created in the preceding 35 days. Note, the stage names in fields denoted with an asterisk (*) may differ between Lever instances.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)


Opportunity ID, Contact Id, Contact Name, Emails, Phones, Organization Summary, Schools, Location, Links, Files, Opportunity Owner Name, Opportunity Owner Email, Origin, Sources, Application Sources, Tags, Is referred, Referrer Name, Referrer Email, Is Social Referral, Is Employee Referral, Created At (UTC), Applied At (UTC), Posting ID, Posting Title, Posting Owner Name, Posting Owner Email, Posting Hiring Manager Name, Posting Hiring Manager Email, Posting Location, Posting Department, Posting Team, Posting Work Type, Requisition For Hire ID, Requisition For Hire Code, Is Opportunity Archived, Archive Reason, Archived At (UTC), Current Stage ID, Current Stage Name, Stage Entered At (UTC), Hired At (UTC), Last Advanced At (UTC), Offered Start Date (UTC), Is Manual Referral, Snoozed Until (UTC), Recent Stage enter (UTC) - HIRED*, Recent Stage enter (UTC) - New Lead*, Recent Stage enter (UTC) - Reached Out*, Recent Stage enter (UTC) - Responded*, Recent Stage enter (UTC) - New applicant*, Recent Stage enter (UTC) - Recruiter screen*, Recent Stage enter (UTC) - On-site interview*, Recent Stage enter (UTC) - Offer*


Requisitions data export template

This template has been built to replace the Requisitions export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with requisitions created in the preceding 35 days. Note, fields denoted with an asterisk (*) may differ between Lever instances.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)


Requisition ID, Requisition Name, Requisition Code, Total Headcount, Hired Headcount, Active Offers, Is Headcount Infinite, Is Backfill, Status, Department, Team, Location, Requisition Hiring Manager Name, Requisition Hiring Manager Email, Requisition Owner Name, Requisition Owner Email, Creator Name, Creator Email, Compensation Band Minimum, Compensation Band Maximum, Compensation Band Interval, Compensation Currency, Approval Status, Created At (UTC), Internal Notes, Linked Posting IDs, Linked Offer IDs, Approver 1 ID, Approver 1 Email, Approver 1 Status, Approver 1 Step, Approver 1 Updated At, Approver 2 ID, Approver 2 Email, Approver 2 Status, Approver 2 Step, Approver 2 Updated At, Approver 3 ID, Approver 3 Email, Approver 3 Status, Approver 3 Step, Approver 3 Updated At, Approver 4 ID, Approver 4 Email, Approver 4 Status, Approver 4 Step, Approver 4 Updated At, Approver 5 ID, Approver 5 Email, Approver 5 Status, Approver 5 Step, Approver 5 Updated At, Approver 6 ID, Approver 6 Email, Approver 6 Status, Approver 6 Step, Approver 6 Updated At, Approver 7 ID, Approver 7 Email, Approver 7 Status, Approver 7 Step, Approver 7 Updated At, Approver 8 ID, Approver 8 Email, Approver 8 Status, Approver 8 Step, Approver 8 Updated At, Approver 9 ID, Approver 9 Email, Approver 9 Status, Approver 9 Step, Approver 9 Updated At, Approver 10 ID, Approver 10 Email, Approver 10 Status, Approver 10 Step, Approver 10 Updated At, Approved At (UTC), Date Last Updated (UTC), Date Last Closed (UTC), Recruiter Start Date*, Target Hire Date*, Cost Center*, Remote?*, Management Level*, Group*, Grade*


EEO - Anonymized data export template

This template has been built to replace the EEO/OFCCP export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with opportunities created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)

Anonymized EEO 

Applied At (UTC), Application Title, Current Stage, Application Archive Reason, Application Archived At (UTC), Application Archived By, Gender, Race, Veteran Status, Disability


EEO - Non-anonymized data export template

This template has no correlate in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with opportunities created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)

Non-anonymized EEO

Opportunity ID, Contact Name, Contact Email, Opportunity Owner Email, Hiring Manager Email, Contact ID, Posting ID, Posting Title, Requisition ID, Requisition Code, Applied At (UTC), Team, Department, Location, Origin, Source, Application Archive Reason, Application Archived At (UTC), Application Archived By, Current Stage, Hired Date, EEO Survey Responded At (UTC), Gender, Race, Veteran Status, Disability, Disability Signature, Disability Signature Date, EEO Response Source


Offers data export template

This template has been built to replace the Offers export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with opportunities created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)


Offer ID, Opportunity ID, Contact Name, Opportunity Owner Name, Opportunity Owner Email, Status, Revisions, Start Date (UTC), Job Title, Salary Value, Salary Currency, Salary Period, Equity Value, Equity Type
Created At (UTC), Posting ID, Posting Commitment, Posting Department, Posting Level, Posting Location, Posting Team, Requisition ID, Requisition Name, Approval Status, First Company Signature Email, Second Company Signature Email, Third Company Signature Email, Contact ID, Last Sent At (UTC), Last Approved At (UTC), Last Approved At (UTC), First Company Signature Signed At (UTC), Second Company Signature Signed At (UTC), Third Company Signature, Signed At (UTC), Benefits, Direct manager, Exempt / Non-exempt, Offer expiration date, Notice period 


Interview Data export template

This template has been built to replace the Interview Data export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with interviews created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)

Interview Data

Profile ID, Interview Panel ID, Candidate Name, Candidate Email, Candidate Origin, Feedback Form, Interview Date, Interview Timezone, Interview Stage, Overall Score, Forms Completed, Forms Expected, Interviewer Names, Interviewer Emails, Owner Name, Owner Email, Scheduler, Posting ID, Posting Title, Posting Team, Posting Location
Posting Level, Posting Commitment, Posting Tags, Posting Owner Name
Posting Owner Email, Posting Hiring Manager Name, Posting Hiring Manager Name, Posting Department, Contact ID


Interview Calibration data export template

This template has been built to replace the Interview Calibration export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with interviews created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)

Interview Calibration

Opportunity ID, Interview Panel ID, Candidate Name, Candidate Origin, Feedback Form, Interview Date, Interview Timezone, Overall Score, Time to complete feedback, Interviewer Names, Owner Name, Posting Title, Contact ID, Did you participate in the interview process?, When did you start?, Hiring rating


Postings data export template

This template has been built to replace the Postings export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with interviews created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)


Posting ID, Posting Title, Applications, Date Created (UTC), Status, Posting Team, Posting Commitment, Posting Location, Posting Level (Legacy), Posting Tags, Posting Owner, Posting Owner Email, Posting Hiring Manager, Posting Hiring Manager Email, Followers, Follower Emails, Description, Additional, Visibility, Posting Department, ListTitle1, ListContent1, ListTitle2, ListContent2, ListTitle3, ListContent3, ListTitle4, ListContent4, ListTitle5, ListContent5, ListTitle6, ListContent6, ListTitle7, ListContent7, ListTitle8, ListContent8, ListTitle9, ListContent9, ListTitle10, ListContent10, Requisition Codes, Requisition IDs, State, Distribution, Last Updated (UTC), Date Last Published (UTC), Date Last Closed (UTC).


Forms data export template

This template has been built to replace the Forms Data export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with interviews created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)

Forms Data

Opportunity ID, Contact Name, Created By Name, Created By Email, Created at (UTC), Opportunity Owner Name, Number of Postings, Posting ID, Contact ID, What school did you go to?, Is it okay if they work remote?, Notes


Feedback forms data export template

This template has been built to replace the Feedback Forms export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with interviews created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)

Feedback forms

Opportunity ID, Contact Name, Created By Name, Created By Email, Created at (UTC), Opportunity Owner Name, Number of Postings, Posting ID, Contact ID, Did you participate in the interview process?, When did you start?, Hiring rating


Referrals data export template

This template has been built to replace the Feedback Forms export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with interviews created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)


Opportunity ID, Contact Id, Contact Name, Emails, Phones, Organization Summary, Schools, Location, Links, Files, Opportunity Owner Name, Opportunity Owner Email, Origin, Sources, Application Sources, Tags, Is referred, Referrer Name, Referrer Email, Is Social Referral, Is Employee Referral, Created At (UTC), Applied At (UTC), Posting ID, Posting Title, Posting Owner Name, Posting Owner Email, Posting Hiring Manager Name, Posting Hiring Manager Email, Posting Location, Posting Department, Posting Team, Posting Work Type, Requisition For Hire ID, Requisition for Hire Code, Is Opportunity Archived, Archive Reason, Archived At (UTC), Current Stage ID, Current Stage Name, Stage Entered At (UTC), Hired At (UTC), Last Advanced At (UTC), Offered Start Date (UTC), Is Manual Referral, Snoozed Until (UTC), Today's Date, Relationship, LinkedIn URL


Candidate Experience Surveys data export template

This template has been built to replace the Candidate Experience Surveys export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with interviews created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)

Candidate Experience Surveys

Posting ID, Anonymized Contact ID, Opportunity Created At (UTC), Responded At (UTC), Team, Department, Work Type, Location, Origin, Sources, Current Stage ID, Current Stage Name, Archive reason, Archived at (UTC), Archived By, Survey ID, How was the interviewer?, Do you have any thoughts or comments that you would like to share?, What suggestion would you make to improve our interview process?


Diversity Surveys data export template

This template has been built to replace the Diversity Surveys export available in Legacy Reports. By default, this template filters for data associated with interviews created in the preceding 90 days.

File Fields (i.e. column headers)

Diversity Surveys

Posting ID, Anonymized Contact ID, Opportunity Created At (UTC), Responded At (UTC), Team, Department, Work Type, Location, Origin, Sources, Current Stage ID, Current Stage Name, Archive reason, Archived at (UTC), Archived By, Survey ID, Posting Title, Posting Owner, Posting Hiring Manager, Candidate Selected Location, I identify my ethnicity as?, What gender do you identify as?, What is your age range?


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