Creating confidential job postings

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin
Permissions • Create and edit postings
• Create and edit confidential postings
Packages LeverTRM for Enterprise

Confidential job postings are designed to facilitate hiring for sensitive roles. Robust and precise access controls ensure that visibility into these postings, as well as any candidates tied to them, can be restricted to a small subset of involved stakeholders. For full information and steps for creating job postings, refer to our help article on creating and managing job postings.

Differences between creating standard and confidential job postings

Users with Super Admin and Admin level access have the ability to create confidential postings. The process for adding a confidential job posting follows the same steps as a standard job posting with some key differences. 

When creating confidential job posting, choose the Set as confidential toggle in the 'Job posting distribution' section to the on position. When set to confidential, the job posting will NOT appear on any job site. It will be visible only to specified users.

Note that once you click the Create posting button, you cannot change the posting distribution to anything other than confidential.

Screenshot 2023-06-21 at 2.00.46 PM (1).png

To ensure the security of the confidential posting and associated sensitive information, default interview plans and approval workflows are bypassed.

Job posting editor with interview plan non supported message

Once all steps are completed, you will see a banner confirming that your confidential job posting has been created. Unlike with a standard job posting, you will not be given the option to add the post to job boards.

Job posting editor with job posting created message

Note that you cannot make candidate profiles alone confidential. Candidate opportunities will be rendered confidential when you link them to a confidential posting. To learn more the distinction, refer to our help article on understanding the difference between candidate profiles and opportunities.


If you link a confidential job posting to a requisition, that posting will be the only one that can be linked to that requisition. This is different to standard job postings, of which multiple can be linked to the same requisition. To learn more, refer to our help article on linking postings to requisitions.

Differences between accessing standard and confidential job postings

The following table provides a breakdown of what actions users with default roles can take with confidential postings. The abilities of users assigned to custom roles may vary depending the permissions with which their custom role has been provisioned (for more, see our role permissions help article).

  Super Admin Admin Team Member Limited Team Member Interviewer
Can create standard job postings If posting owner or on access list X
Can edit standard job postings Require Sensitive Information Privileges in order to update location, team, work type, and users Require Sensitive Information Privileges in order to update location, team, work type, and users X X
Can view standard job postings If posting owner or on access list Can view postings on internal and external job sites as a prospective applicant would
Can create confidential job postings X X X
Can edit confidential job postings If posting owner X X X
Can view confidential job postings If posting owner or on access list If posting owner or on access list If posting owner or on access list X


The posting owner can edit either stakeholder fields (owner or hiring manager) on confidential postings. Note that if you remove yourself as the posting owner from a confidential posting you will no longer have access to it. 

Job posting with arrow pointing to posting owner

A user's Sensitive Information Privileges will only carry over to confidential job postings for which they are also on the Access list. For more information, refer to our help article on Sensitive Information Privileges.

Best practices for creating confidential job postings

Watch the short video below on how our Recruiting team uses confidential job postings. Note that the video does not include updates to the referrals feature included in our 2023 summer release - 

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