Creating and managing confidential requisitions

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin
Team Member and Limited Team Member, if default approval chain enabled
Permissions • Create and edit requisitions that the user has access to
Packages LeverTRM for Enterprise

Confidential requisitions in Lever supports the ability for companies to handle hiring for sensitive roles, such as executives and planned backfills of existing employees. Robust and precise access controls ensure that visibility into these requisitions, job postings, and candidates tied to them, can be restricted to a small subset of involved stakeholders. Before proceeding, note that the process of setting up confidential requisitions holds some differences to setting up regular requisitions. To learn more, check out our help article on creating and managing requisitions.

Creating, editing, and viewing confidential requisitions

The following table provides a breakdown of what actions users with default roles can take with confidential requisitions. The abilities of users assigned to custom roles may vary depending the permissions with which their custom role has been provisioned (for more, see our role permissions help article).

  Super Admin Admin Team Member Limited Team Member Interviewer
Can create confidential requisitions If default requisition approvals are enabled If default requisition approvals are enabled X
Can create confidential requisition fields X X X
Can view confidential requisitions If on the confidential posting's access list OR is the requisition Hiring Manager/Owner If requisition Hiring Manager or Requisition Owner/Creator If requisition Hiring Manager or Requisition Owner/Creator X
Can link/unlink requisitions to postings from the posting page If has access to view requisition If has access to view requisition X X
Can link/unlink postings from the requisition page If has access to view posting If has access to view posting X X
Can see candidates associated with linked confidential postings If posting owner or on access list If posting owner or on access list If posting owner or on access list X


Creating confidential requisitions

In your Lever environment, navigate to Jobs > Requisitions.

  • Click the blue + Create requisition button in the upper right hand corner.

Lever jobs page showing requisition tab with arrow pointing to the blue create requisition button.

  • Fill in the requisition details. 
  • Click the "Hiring for a confidential job posting?" link.

Lever create requisition editor with arrow pointing to Hiring for a confidential job posting? link.


A requisition in and of itself cannot be made 'confidential' - it's the act of linking a requisition to a confidential posting that renders the requisition confidential. The 'Hiring for a confidential job posting?' link will inform you that this is required, and who can access once the confidential posting is linked.
  • Click the Ok, close button.

Lever hiring for a confidential posting information modal with instructions and user access explanation.

To link the requisition to a job posting, click + Add posting in the top right corner.

  • From the dropdown list of job postings, click the confidential posting to which you wish to link the requisition.
    • Note that confidential job postings are indicated with a green lock icon. 

Lever create requisition editor with arrows pointing to add posting button and job posting from dropdown list.


Only a 1:1 confidential posting to requisition relationship is permitted. Help text will remind the user should they attempt to link additional postings to the requisition.

Lever create requisition editor with arrows pointing to info popout explaining that requisitions linked to a confidential posting cannot have more than one posting linked at at time.

To ensure the security of the confidential posting and requisition, approval workflows are bypassed. 

  • Click Next to continue.

Lever requisition editor showing requisition does not require approval message and blue next button.

Once all steps are completed, you’ll will reach the final screen with confirmation message that the requisition is open.

  • Click Done to complete the requisition workflow.

Lever requisition editor showing requisition open success page and blue done button.

Making existing requisitions confidential

Existing requisition can be rendered confidential by linking to a confidential job posting. This can be done either from either the requisition or from the confidential job posting.

Linking from a confidential posting

From the confidential posting, click + Add requisition and select a requisition. Per the 1:1 relationship requirement, any requisition that is already linked to a job posting will not be available to select.

Lever posting editor with arrow pointing to add requisition button.

Linking from a requisition

From the existing requisition, click + Add posting and select a job posting. Any job posting that is already linked to a requisition will not be available, and you will see help text indicating it is already linked to another requisition.

Lever requisition editor with arrows pointing to add posting button and information callout indicating that the confidential posting is already linked to a requisition.

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