Enabling and using the HireSweet integration

Available for Roles Super Admin
Permissions • Manage API credentials and manage integrations
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Enabling the HireSweet integration

In the HireSweet platform, navigate to the top-right corner on the circle with your initials, click on ATS Integrations, and then select Lever.

Hiresweet Lever integration page with connect with hiresweet button

Click on the Connect with HireSweet button and accept to grant HireSweet access.

 Lever and Hiresweet integration authorization modal with list of permissions and accept button

Set up the workflows inside HireSweet.

 Hiresweet Lever modal with workflow set up

Once the integration is enabled, confirm that Hiresweet appears in the Authorized Apps tab of the Integrations and API section of settings in Lever.

Lever settings showing authorized apps page

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