Available for | Roles | Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member Can only be configured by Super Admins |
Packages | Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise |
Sapia is the ultimate blind interviewer. Sapia does top-of-funnel interviews for you, saving you time. Everyone gets the same interview, anywhere, anytime and untimed. Also, Sapia doesn’t care for what you are, only who you are.
Setup the integration:
Step 1:
To set up the Sapia integration contact your Sapia sales representative or the Sapia support team at ats-support@sapia.ai. Sapia has chosen to keep the enablement process manual, but they'll be happy to get you started.
Step 2:
1. On the Webhooks page in your Lever Settings > Integrations & API, find your webhook signing token and provide it to Sapia.
2. Sapia will provide you with a webhook URL. Create a new webhook on the same settings page inside Lever.
How to use the integration:
Add tags that correspond to assessments to Lever postings. Opportunities that are created with that posting will have the integration kick off automatically by the stage.
Tags will update you on the progress of the candidate on their assessment.
How to disable the integration:
1. Navigate to your Integrations & API Settings Page
2. Under the Authorized Apps tab locate the Sapia app
3. Click Revoke Access to disable the integration