Creating interview feedback forms

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin
Permissions • Manage feedback settings
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Interview feedback forms are one of the most essential pieces of your recruitment workflow, and will create a level of consistency across your entire team of interviews. By clearly defining what you're assessing up front you can make strong comparisons between individual candidates and ensure each candidate is evaluated fairly against the same criteria. If your organization is building interview feedback forms from scratch, then you may wish to define your interview criteria before proceeding. 

Creating feedback forms

To create an interview feedback form, navigate to Settings > Feedback and click the New form button. You can add a title and any specific instructions for your interviewers at the top of the blank form.

Feedback page with new form button outlined

Click the Add another question button at the bottom of the page to add questions.

Feedback form editor showing question type options and arrow pointing to add another question button

The default response format for new questions is a single line of text. To customize question formats, click on the default response and select a different response type. Boxes for text and code are utilized for long-form responses while multiple choice, yes/no, checkbox and scorecard formats are used to easily record information about a candidate.


Consider including one optional long form text question on your feedback forms, to provide a space where interviews can jot down any feedback that is not necessarily captured by the other questions.

Rearrange questions by clicking the up and down arrows. You can also duplicate, delete, or reset a feedback form using the buttons on the left side of the editor.

Feedback form editor with arrows pointing to three dots and up and down arrows


Deleting a form will remove the form from all groups and postings where it appears. 

If you mark a question as required, interviewers will not be able to submit their feedback form until they have input a response. 

Feedback form editor with star and make question required callout

Note that the four point rating question is an intentional fixed element of all Lever feedback forms. By removing the option for neutrality on this question, every completed feedback form will provide a clear indication of whether the interviewer thinks the candidate should move forward. In this way, all feedback forms will contain an actionable conclusion and maintain the forward momentum of the opportunities in your pipeline.

While the four point rating question cannot be deleted, it can be moved to the bottom of the form so it is the last question interviewers answer before submitting their feedback.

Feedback form editor with rating field

To finish creating your feedback form, click Save Changes and close the editor. If you need to edit an existing feedback form, simply click back in to open the editor. 

You can group similar feedback forms together into feedback form groups. New groups can be created using the New Group button at the top of the 'Feedback' settings page. Feedback forms can be dragged and dropped to group feedback forms in the way that makes most sense for your organization. 

Feedback section with arrow pointing to new group button

Using feedback forms

Once your feedback form has been created, it can be attached to an interview. For more information on assigning feedback forms to scheduled interviews, refer to our help article on scheduling interviews.

Feedback forms can also be set as the default feedback form for a particular interview stage by clicking set as default for... and selecting the stage you'd like to assign it to. 

Interview plans establish consistency across job postings. By using interview plans, feedback forms come automatically assigned to certain jobs and at certain stages, making it a lot simpler to schedule interviews. To learn more, refer to our help article on creating and using interview plans

Example Feedback Forms

Once you've reviewed our best practices for defining and building interview criteria into feedback forms, you might still need a little inspiration. Use these samples as a foundation for your feedback forms while incorporating your organization's unique company values and role-specific needs.

As you build questions into your form, make sure to select the answer format which is most appropriate for each question. A scorecard is usually the fastest way to evaluate a candidate for a number of important traits and characteristics. Don't forget to leave a general text box for any remaining comments or lingering questions. If you find yourself inputting the same kind of information in this comments field over and over again, build the relevant questions into your feedback form.

Recruiter screen feedback form

Recruiter feedback form

Hiring manager feedback form

Hiring manager feedback form

Panel interview feedback form

One-site feedback form

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