Adding education questions to job postings

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member
Permissions • Create and edit postings
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

You can customize your job postings by enabling your candidates to indicate which college or university they attended. Before diving in, we recommend reading full instructions on adding job postings in our help article on creating and managing job postings.

Adding education questions and the university picker to job postings

To add education questions, navigate to the job posting.

  • Scroll down to the 'custom application questions' section
  • Click Add custom questions

Job posting editor with arrow pointing to add custom questions dropdown

  • From the dropdown menu, click Education

Job posting editor with custom questions section with education from the dopdown outlined

In the Education editor, by default you will see questions for 'What is your highest level of education?' and 'What university did you attend?' The lever of education question by default includes a dropdown for level of education. 

Education question editor with arrow pointing two education questions

Adding the university picker to job postings

By default, the 'What university did you attend?' question includes the university picker dropdown.  The university picker is a standardized dropdown list of schools from which the applicant can choose. This standardized list ensures that candidate responses and therefore reporting are consistent.

Education question editor with arrow pointing to university picker

  • Click the blue Save changes button.

The university picker will now appear on your job posting. When a candidate applies to a job, you'll see their selected university as a source on their profile. You can also edit and add this manually on the candidate profile.

Candidate profile with arrow pointing to school source tag

If there is a school that is not included in the university picker list, you can submit a request to have it added via the Lever Help Center request page.

How Education questions appear to applicants

On the application form, the applicant will see an Education section with the education questions you have configured.

Education section of application page

With the university picker, the candidate can search and choose from a list of schools. There is no option for free text - school response options are standardized to ensure consistency in reporting. 

Education section of application page with university dropdown


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