Setting up email automation workflows

Available for Roles Super Admin
Permissions • Manage automation workflows
Packages LeverTRM for Enterprise, Advanced Automation add-on

Sending emails is an action that you can easily automate in your Lever environment to save time when it comes to candidate outreach and communicating with stakeholders. This article will focus on defining the 'Send Email' action step at the end of an automation workflow. To learn how to build an automation workflow from scratch, read our main automation workflows help article.

Configuring recipients and sender

Start by defining the recipient(s) of the automated email that is set to send at the end of the workflow. In the action block, click the 'To;' field to expand the menu of recipients. There are two types of recipients that can receive an automated email:

Dynamic recipients
Dynamic recipients are defined by their relationship to the opportunity that triggered the automation. Dynamic recipients can be one of the following:

      • Candidate - if a candidate has multiple email addresses, the email will be sent to the first email address listed on their profile
      • Opportunity owner
      • Posting hiring manager - i.e. the user listed as 'Hiring Manager' on the posting associated with the opportunity
      • Posting owner - i.e. the user listed as the owner of the posting associated with the opportunity

Close up of recipient fields in email editor; candidate is set as recipient and posting owner is cc'ed.

Static recipients
Static recipients are the same no matter which opportunity triggered the automation. Static recipients can be users in your Lever environment or someone outside of your Lever environment. To send an automated email to an external recipient, simply type their email address into the 'To:' field and then click the + Add option that appears in the menu below.

Email address typed in recipient field with option to add as static recipient in menu below.

You can also add cc and bcc recipients of the same types (dynamic and/or static).

Next, configure the sender of the automated email. You can configure the automated email to be sent from either a no-reply email or through Lever Mail. If you set the sender as Lever Mail and the automated email is sent to a candidate, the candidate's replies will sync back to their profile in Lever.

Sender field in email editor with no reply and Lever Mail sender options in the menu beanth.

Using email templates and auto-text tokens

To add consistency and personalization to your automation, you can incorporate formatting, email templates, and auto-text tokens when building the automated email.

The automation email editor provides standard rich text and HTML formatting options. Click the <> button to open the source code editor. For full information refer to our help article on formatting emails in Lever.  

Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 10.18.21 AM.png


Click the Templates button above the subject line field and select from the list of personal and team email templates. Note, templates that contain an Easy Book or e-signature link cannot be used in automation workflows.

Email editor with template menu expanded.

Auto-text tokens

Auto-text tokens are fields of variable text that will change based on the associated object(s) such as users, candidates, and postings. In Lever, auto-text tokens are denoted with double braces on either side of the token name. For example, the auto-text token for a candidate's first name is{{candidate first name}}. When viewing an email containing this token, the recipient would see the first name of the candidate associated with the triggered workflow in the location that this token was placed.

Email editor that contains auto-text tokens.

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Email containing auto-text tokens from the perspective of the recipient.

To insert an auto-text token into the subject line or body of an automated email, click the Placeholder button above the subject line field and select from the list of available tokens. Expand the menu below to view the full list of auto-text tokens available for automated emails:

List of available auto-text tokens
  • Candidate information
    • First name
    • Full name
    • Phone number
    • First source
  • Opportunity owner information
    • Full name
    • First name
    • Email
  • Job posting information
    • Hiring manager 
      • Full name
      • First name
      • Email
    • Owner information
      • Full name
      • First name
      • Email
  • Company name
  • Workflow creator information
    • First name
    • Last name
  • Consent link - send this link to candidates in order to capture their consent to having their data retained for the purposes of being contacted about job opportunities, in order to maintain compliance with GDPR; to learn more, refer to our help article on capturing candidate consent.
  • Docusign link - send this link to collect a candidates' electronic signature on a document; requires that the DocuSign integration has enabled, available with the LeverTRM for Enterprise packages or the Advanced Automation add-on; to learn more, refer to our DocuSign integration help article.
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