Available for | Roles | Super Admin Incl. users with a Super Admin or Admin cc'ed on the request |
Permissions | • N/A | |
Packages | Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise, [X] add-on |
If you have a large number of job postings that you need to migrate into Lever, our Support team can assist you by performing a bulk import. This method requires you to fill out a CSV spreadsheet with posting information that you then send to Lever's Support team for import. As long as the information on the spreadsheet is formatted correctly, the corresponding job postings will be generated in your organization's Lever environment upon import.
In this article
Filling out the spreadsheet
Start by downloading and opening the templated CSV spreadsheet attached at the bottom of this article. As you are filling out the spreadsheet, it is important to keep the following guidelines in mind:
- Do not change the file format of the spreadsheet. The CSV file that you provide must be in a comma-delimited format.
- The name of the file that you send for import must be composed solely of letters, numbers, underscores (_) and/or dashes (-). Do not include any spaces or special characters in the file name.
- Do not add, remove or modify any of the column headings in the spreadsheet.
- Each row in the spreadsheet will generate a new posting in Lever. The number of rows in the spreadsheet must not exceed 5000.
In the table that follows, you will find a description of the fields corresponding to each column in the spreadsheet. Please read this chart carefully, so you understand how the values in each cell must be formatted in order to import correctly into Lever.
Column Header | Field Description |
Posting Name | Specify the posting name. Extra spaces before or after the name are removed upon import. |
Date Created | Input a creation date for the posting. Only dates after 1980 can be accepted. The date must be formatted as Unix time in milliseconds (refer to the instructions for Unix timestamp generation below). If no data is passed in this field or the date is invalid, the creation date for the posting will be set to that at which the import is performed. |
Status | Specify the status of the posting as 'Published', ' Unlisted', 'Draft', or 'Closed'. If no status is specified, the generated posting will be given a status of 'Draft' upon import. If the status specified is 'Unlisted', the 'Is Public' and 'Is Internal' fields must have an input of FALSE. |
Is Public | Specify if the job posting is external by inputting TRUE or FALSE in this field. If the 'Status' field is blank, the generated posting will be given as status of 'Draft' upon import even if this field has an input of TRUE. |
Is Internal | Specify if the job posting is internal by inputting TRUE or FALSE in this field. If the 'Status' field is blank, the generated posting will be given as status of 'Draft' upon import even if this field has an input of TRUE. |
Department | Specify the department to which to associate the posting. If this field contains an input, the 'Team' field must also have an input. If you input the name of a department that does not currently exist in your Lever environment, this department will be created. Extra spaces before and after the department name will be removed upon import. If you do not wish to associate the posting with a department, leave this field blank. |
Team | Specify the team to which to associate the posting. If the 'Department' field contains an input, this field must also have an input. If you input the name of a team that does not currently exist in your Lever environment, this team will be created. Extra spaces before and after the team name will be removed upon import. |
Commitment (i.e. Work Type) | Specify the work type for the posting (e.g. full-time). If you input the name of a work type that does not currently exist in your Lever environment, this work type will be created. Extra spaces before and after the work type will be removed upon import. |
Location | Specify the location for the posting. If you input the name of a location that does not currently exist in your Lever environment, this location will be created. Extra spaces before and after the location will be removed upon import. |
Tags | Tags are pieces of metadata that you can associate with an opportunity so you can easily find and/or report on it later using search filters. Tags added to a posting will carry over to opportunities associated with that posting. If you are adding multiple tags to a posting, separate them using commas with no spaces in between. If a specified tag does not match any of the tags you already have listed in Lever, the tag will be added upon import. Note that tag-matching is case sensitive (e.g. "Google" and "google" would be marked as different tags). To see the list of tags you currently have in Lever, navigate to Settings > Sources and tags. Extra spaces before and after each tag will be removed upon import. |
Owner email address | Specify the email address of the Lever user that owns the posting. If no email address is entered in this field, the generated posting will not have an owner. Email addresses in this field are not case-sensitive. Extra spaces before and after the email address will be removed upon import. |
Hiring manager address | Specify the email address of the Lever user that is the hiring manager for the posting. If no email address is entered in this field, the generated posting will not have a hiring manager. Email addresses in this field are not case-sensitive. Extra spaces before and after the email address will be removed upon import. |
Follower email addresses | Specify the email addresses of the Lever users that you wish to added as followers on the posting. Separate multiple email addresses with commas and no spaces. If no email addresses are entered in this field, no followers will be added to the posting (with the exception of the owner and/or hiring manager). Email addresses in this field are not case-sensitive. Extra spaces before and after the email addresses will be removed upon import. |
Requisition ID | If you wish to update details on an existing internal, external, active, or closed posting, input the requisition code associated with that posting in this field. If a match is found, details on the matching posting will be updated in accord with the corresponding row on the spreadsheet. If no match is found, a new posting will be created in accord with the corresponding row on the spreadsheet. The requisition code in this field must be an exact match in terms of spacing and case sensitivity. |
Description | Input the posting description in plain text (HTML is not supported). Templated opening paragraphs (based on the departments and teams to which the posting is associated) will not be overwritten. |
Closing | Input the closing paragraph for the posting in plain text (HTML is not supported). Templated closing paragraphs (based on the departments and teams to which the posting is associated) will not be overwritten. |
ListTitle-1 | Specify the title of the list you wish to appear on the posting. Extra spaces before and after the list title will be removed upon import. |
List-1 | Input the list content as plain text (HTML is not supported). Each new line will be converted into a bullet. |
ListTitle-2† | Specify the title of the second list you wish to appear on the posting. Extra spaces before and after the list title will be removed upon import. If you do not wish to have more than one list on the posting, delete this column from the spreadsheet. |
List-2† | Input the content of the second list as plain text (HTML is not supported). Each new line will be converted into a bullet. If you do not wish to have more than one list on the posting, delete this column from the spreadsheet. |
† The number appended to the end of each column header indicates which list the field will correspond to (e.g. the values in cells from the columns with "-1" will make up the first list, those in cells from columns with "-2" will make up the second list, and so on). Add columns as necessary for the desired number of lists you wish to have on the posting. For example, if you wish to add a third list to a posting, add columns 'ListTItle-3' and 'List-3' to the spreadsheet.
All postings generated via bulk import will have a location type of 'Unspecified.' Location type can then be manually configured on each posting (hybrid, on-site, remote) after they have been imported. For more information on the location type field, refer to our help article on creating and managing job postings. |
Generating a Unix timestamp
To generate a timestamp for a specific date, use this Unix converter. Input the date you wish to convert into the appropriate fields, click Human date to Timestamp and copy the value next to Timestamp in milliseconds:
Example of a date and time converted to a Unix timestamp in milliseconds