Visual Insights: Overview dashboard

Available for User roles Super Admin, Admin
Packages All packages

The Overview dashboard provides a top-level summary of key recruitment metrics across all areas of your LeverTRM environment. The Overview dashboard is a great first stop to gauge the overall status of your talent pipeline and to gain summary insights into standard recruitment KPIs such as the the percentage of offers accepted by candidates as well as feedback and interview activity. As you are reading, refer to the LeverTRM Glossary for definitions of the key terms and concepts used in this article.

Accessing the Overview dashboard

To access the Overview dashboard:

  • Navigate to Visual Insights via the platform header

Close up of platform header with Visual Insights tab selected.

  • Click the chevron (>) on the left side of the page
  • Click Dashboards and select Overview from the expanded menu

Metrics on the Overview dashboard

Metrics on the Overview dashboard are visualized in different types of charts. Below, you will find a description of each chart and how its metrics are calculated. Note that each metric listed is sensitive to the values in the filters above the dashboard. Also keep in mind that data associated with confidential job postings is excluded from the charts. You can export the data from any chart by hovering over the top-right corner, clicking the ⠇icon, and selecting Download data.

Filters can be be mixed and matched to hone in on specific data sets on any given dashboard. Once you have selected or input values to the filters, you must click the ⟳ button to apply the filters to the data on the dashboard. It may take a few seconds for the dashboard to refresh with your applied filters. For a more detailed description of how filters work in Visual Insights, refer to our help article on dashboard filters.


The colors used on all Visual Insights charts are ADA compliant for red, green, and blue color blindness as well as monochromacy.

KPI tiles

These metrics can be found in the tiles arranged at the top of the Overview dashboard.

KPI tiles on the Overview dashboard

Total opportunities The count of non-archived opportunities as of the end of the date range.
Active postings The count of active (i.e. externally and/or internally published) postings as of the end of the date range.
Offer acceptance The count of offers extended within the date range that were later accepted. Offers accepted outside of the date range are included in this count.
Opportunities hired The count of opportunities archived as 'Hired' within the date range.
Opportunities moved The count of distinct opportunities moved within the date range, including both advances and regressions. Opportunities moved multiple times within the date range are only counted once.
Archived The count of opportunities archived within the date range, excluding those archived as 'Hired.'
Interviews completed The count of interviews with a start and end date within the date range that were not cancelled or deleted. This chart also shows the percentage of interviews scheduled to take place within the date range that were not cancelled or deleted relative to the total number of interviews scheduled to take place within the date range.
Feedback submitted The count of feedback forms submitted within the date range. Feedback forms requested within the date range are included in this count.

Pipeline snapshot

This chart shows the distribution of active opportunities across each stage of your pipeline.

Pipeline snapshot chart

Chart type Column chart
Data set Active (non-archived) opportunities within the date range
Grouped by Stage
Unit of measure Count
Revealed on hover Date interval and opportunity count



Click the colored dots in the legend along the bottom of multi-value charts to add or remove groups from the visualization. Hold the Alt key (or the Option key on a Mac) when clicking a dot to filter for that group only.
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