Visual Insights: Defining your recruitment goals


Talent leaders can use Visual Insights to quickly and comprehensively assess the status of their recruitment initiatives as well as set goals based on current performance trends. This article will walk through how to establish goals based on historical data as well as summarize the major insights that can be found on Visual Insights dashboards. As you are reading, refer to our LeverTRM Glossary for definitions of the terms and concepts used in this article.

Forecasting based on historical data

Most dashboards in Visual Insights allow you to apply date range filters to the data sets visualized on its charts. The operator and attribute fields in the date range filter can be configured to filter data to any time frame including weeks, months, quarters, and years.

Close-up of date range filter with is in last 90 days filled in operator and attribute fields.

Apply additional filters and refine data based on parameters such as specific teams, sources, and/or postings, in order to further narrow your insights. To learn more about filter configuration, check out our help article on dashboard filters.

Once you have applied filters, copy the values from the dashboard charts into a separate spreadsheet. To download the data from charts, click the ⠇button in the upper-right corner of the chart tile and select Download data.

Pipeline opportunity volume chart with Download data button extended from upper right corner.

Use the spreadsheet as record of the baselines for each metric on which you can then build your forecasts.


It is the start of a new quarter and you want to find the average number of days it took your recruitment team to fill the headcount for a requisition over the course of the previous quarter. You locate this number by applying the date range filter 'is in the previous quarter' to the Requisitions dashboard and referring to 'Avg. time to fill' chart. You repeat this process for the prior to two quarters (modifying the date range filter and reloading the dashboard each time) and determine that average time to fill has trended upward over the nine months. All other organizational factors being the same, you forecast that average time to fill will increase again this quarter.


Filter data sets historically to align with changes in your organization's recruitment strategy such as the implementation of a new process, the addition of talent acquisition headcount, or the adoption of new tools into your tech stack. Use these insights to inform your forecasts if you are considering making similar changes in the future.

Monitoring rolling averages

In the process of establishing baselines and making preliminary forecasts, you likely have ironed out which dashboards you will want to keep a close eye on, as well as the time frames and other parameters you want to define your reports. To monitor these metrics on an ongoing basis, apply a relative date range filter (e.g. 'is in the last [X] days') and use a bookmark to save that specific view of the dashboard.

Bookmark being applied to the Pipeline dashboard.

Bookmarked dashboard views appear as cards in the bookmarks bar to the right of the dashboard. Bookmarks are designed to save you from having to re-apply filters for dashboards that you visit regularly.

Pipeline dashboard with bookmarks bar highlighted.

Applying a relative date range filter will configure the dashboard to show chart values relative to the date that the dashboard is being viewed. To learn more, check out our help article on dashboard bookmarks.


Based on the baseline and forecast you established, you set a goal to reduce the average number of days it takes to fill the headcount for a requisition by 25% quarter over quarter. To monitor this metric, you apply the date range filter 'is in the last 90 days' to the Requisitions dashboard and save it as a bookmark. You check this bookmark weekly over the course of the quarter to monitor whether the rolling average time to fill is trending toward or away from your goal.


Increase visibility into key metrics by sharing dashboards with other stakeholders in your organization. Refer to our help article on sharing dashboards to learn more.

Key insights and where to find them

Each Visual Insights dashboard contains charts that allow you to answer questions critical to the health and efficacy of your talent management practices. Click the questions below to reveal where the corresponding metric can be found in Visual Insights:

How quickly is my team filling headcount?
  • Dashboard: Talent Leader Summary, Requisitions
  • Charts: Avgerage time to fill, Average time to fill over time

Make sure that all filled requisitions are closed and the date range captures both the creation date and the close date. To learn more, check out our Talent Leader Summary dashboard help article or Requisitions dashboard help article. Note that you can adjust how this metrics is measured by customizing the time to fill calculation via the wizard in your Visual Insights Settings. Refer to our help article on configuring the time to fill calculation for more information.

What is my team's average time to hire?
  • Dashboard: Talent Leader Summary, Pipeline
  • Charts: Average time to hire, Average time in stages for hires

Make sure that all opportunities associated with hired candidates have been archived with the archive reason 'Hired.' To learn more, check out our Talent Leader Summary dashboard help article or Pipeline dashboard help article. To help establish metrics based on industry benchmarks, check out our Talent Acquisition Benchmarks dashboard help article. Note that you can adjust how this metrics is measured by customizing the time to hire calculation via the wizard in your Visual Insights Settings. Refer to our help article on configuring the time to hire calculation for more information.

What is the rate of acceptance for extended offers?
  • Dashboard: Talent Leader Summary, Offers
  • Chart: Offer acceptance

The value on this chart reflects offers sent during the date range that were later accepted. Offers accepted outside of the date range will still count toward this metric. To learn more, check out our Talent Leader Summary dashboard help article or Offers dashboard help article.

How long do candidates spend in each stage of the pipeline?
  • Dashboard: Pipeline
  • Chart: Average days in stage

Note that opportunities created outside of the date range count toward this metric. To learn more, check out our Pipeline dashboard help article.

How many candidates have we hired?
  • Dashboard: Pipeline
  • Chart: Opportunities hired

To learn more, check out our Pipeline dashboard help article.

How many offers has my team extended? What is the status of those offers?
  • Dashboard: Offers
  • Chart: Offers sent, Offers by status

On the 'Offers by status' chart, offers that were declined or signed within the date range will be counted as such, even if they were sent or opened before the date range. To learn more, check out our Offers dashboard help article.

How many candidates are active in the pipeline?
  • Dashboard: Pipeline
  • Chart: Pipeline opportunity volume

Candidates are counted as active if they are associated with an opportunity that has not been archived. To learn more, check out our Pipeline dashboard help article.

What are the conversion rates between stages in the pipeline?
  • Dashboard: Pipeline
  • Chart: Stage conversions

Individual opportunities are counted based on the number of times they move stages within the date range. To learn more, check out our Pipeline dashboard help article.

What are the average feedback scores given by interviewers?
  • Dashboard: Interviews
  • Chart: Average feedback scores by interviewer

In order for feedback to be counted, both the interview and the feedback must have been completed within the date range. To learn more, check out our Interviews dashboard help article.

Does the composition of my pipeline reflect inclusive and equitable hiring practices?
  • Dashboards: Diversity dashboard
  • Chart: All opportunities vs hires

To learn more, check out our Diversity dashboard help article.

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