Navigating the Jobs section

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member
Permissions • Create and edit postings
• Create and edit requisitions that the user has access to
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise
Requisitions only available with LeverTRM for Enterprise or Advanced HR add-on
Confidential postings only available with LeverTRM for Enterprise

From the Jobs section of your Lever instance you can manage postings and requisitions. This includes creating new postings/requisitions, as well as filtering for and editing existing ones.

Accessing postings and requisitions

To access postings and requisitions, start by navigating to the Jobs section via the platform header.

Lever platform navigation header with Jobs tab selected

By default, you will land on the postings page. If you have LeverTRM for Enterprise or the Advanced HR add on and you have enabled requisitions via your Settings, the Jobs section of your Lever instance will be separated into two pages - postings and requisitions - which you switch between using the tabs in the upper-left corner of the Jobs section.

Postings and requisitions tabs highlighted in Jobs section

Creating new postings and requisitions

To create a new posting or requisition, first make sure you are on the correct page of the Jobs section and then click the button in the upper-right corner.

Arrow pointing to Add Job Posting button on postings page in Jobs section

Arrow pointing to Create Requisition button on requisitions page in Jobs section

For more information, refer to the following help articles:

Filtering the Jobs section

The lists of postings and requisitions in the Jobs sections can be filtered using the filters in the left side menu.

Filter by status

Postings and requisitions can be filtered by status: open, closed, pending, rejected, or draft. Open postings can be further filtered by their distribution: external and/or internal, unlisted, and confidential.

Job posting status filters Requisitions status filters


Filter by department/team, location, and/or location type

Postings and requisitions can be filtered by the department, team, and/or location with which they are associated. To learn how to manage departments, teams, locations, and custom application questions for your Lever instance, refer to our company settings help article. Postings can also be filtered by location type: on-site, hybrid, and/or remote.

Department, team, location, and location type filters on the postings page

Filter by owner

Postings and requisitions can be filtered by ownership from among all of the users in your Lever instance.

Owner filter

Filter by custom application questions

Postings can be filtered by custom application question or questions sets.

Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 9.29.16 AM.png

You can also filter job postings by custom application questions from your Lever Settings > Job site. Learn more in our help article on configuring your Lever application form

Filter for postings and requisitions with which you are associated

Click Just mine in the filter menu to filter for postings and requisitions that you own or for which you are the hiring manager. Applying the 'Just mine' filter on the postings page will also filter for postings that you follow.

Just mine filter

Filter by search

Use the search bar at the top of the posting/requisition list to filter by keyword.

Live image of filtering postings page by by keyword 'Specialist'

Removing filters

As you apply filters in the Jobs section, they will be listed above the posting/requisition list. Remove filters individually by clicking the 'X' on the filter tag or click Clear filters to remove all applied filters at once.

Filters tags listed horizontally

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