Enabling and using the Unbiasify extension

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Unbiasify hides names and profile photos on social networks so you can focus on what actually matters when recruiting. Unbiasify is an open source chrome extension that allows you to source candidates from LinkedIn, Angelist and Twitter without seeing people's names or faces, which can allow you to reduce some key sources of unconscious bias when looking for qualified candidates.

Setting up the Unbiasify integration

The extension can be found on the Chrome Web Store, and added to your Chrome browser.

Chrome web store with add to chrome button outlined

Once the Chrome extension is added, click the Unbiasfy icon within the Chrome menu-bar to expand the extension. Then, toggle on the Lever option.

Lever will update the candidate names, email addresses, links, and obscure the top portion of the candidate resume.

Lever candidate list with extension button and dropdown menu with lever outlined

Using the Unbiasify integration

  • In Lever, the Unbiasfy Chrome extension will replace the candidate's name with "Candidate Name" when viewing the dashboard.

Lever opportunities list with candidate names outlined

  • When viewing a candidate profile, the name, email address, and links will be anonymized.

Lever candidate profile

  • The top portion of the resume will be blocked to hide the candidate information.

Lever candidate resume with upper portion blocked out

  • For other websites such as LinkedIn, it will block the candidate name and photos.

Linkedin profile with photos and name blurred


Does Lever share customer information with Unbiasfy?

Unbiasify doesn’t read or store any data on any of the network pages that it’s active on. At a high level, Unbiasify will find the areas of the page that it knows will contain the data that it wants to target for obfuscation (names, photos) and will obfuscate those areas accordingly.

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