Candidate Texting

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Users must be configured as licensed users to send texts
Permissions • Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages Candidate Texting add-on
Available for customers who are US- and Canada-based

Efficient and effective communication with candidates is essential for hiring teams to engage and secure top talent. Lever's text messaging feature enables users to communicate with prospects and candidates, directly within the day-to-day use of Lever. Texts keep candidates moving through the pipeline, while providing a personalized and engaging experience. 

Enabling Candidate Texting


Candidate Texting is available for customers who are US- and Canada-based.

To enable Candidate Texting in your Lever account:

After Lever Support set up, you will receive an in-app banner notification to complete the 10DLC registration form. The 10DLC registration form can be completed by Super Admin users, or users with the ‘Manage texting settings’ permission.

  • Navigate to Settings > Candidate Texting
  • Fill in the Business Profile 10DLC form with your company's information
  • Click Submit

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 1.31.41 PM.png

  • After submitting the Business Profile, make any required changes by submitting a request through Lever Support.  

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 2.15.06 PM.png


After submitting the texting registration form, your company's texting service will be under review by mobile messaging providers. As of August 2023, in efforts to improve anti-spam controls, mobile carriers began requiring this registration to be complete before allowing business accounts to send text messages. The registration process can take several days to complete but there is usually no further action required by you while your account is being registered (Lever Support will reach out to you if any further details are required). 
  • While your registration is pending, you will not be able to send text messages in Lever.
  • You will receive another in-app banner letting you know registration is approved and set-up is complete. You can now see and use the full set of texting functionality available in your Lever account as described below.

Licensed Users

Only licensed users can text candidates, but both licensed users and non-licensed users can view candidate texting history. 

  • To text candidates, the user must...
    • Be configured as a licensed user for Candidate Texting AND
    • Have a role of Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member OR
    • Have a custom role provisioned with the permission 'View profiles and associated job postings'
  • To view Candidate Texting history in the candidate profile, the user must...
    • Have a role of Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member OR
    • Have a custom role provisioned with the permission 'View profiles and associated job postings'

For more information on creating custom roles, refer to our help article on creating and managing custom roles.

Licensed users with Candidate Texting will see an action item, Send text message, in the action menu on Lever profiles. Selecting Send text message will open the Lever Texting widget ready to send messages to the candidate.

Lever candidate profile showing menu dropdown with send text message option highlighted.

Licensed users will also see a messaging icon in the lower right-hand corner of their screen on the Candidates, Jobs, and Interviews tabs. 

Lever candidate profile showing text message widget opened and arrow pointing to texting icon.

Texting Candidates

To send a text message in Lever you must be a Candidate Texting licensed user.

  • Click Send text message, in the action menu or the messaging icon on the lower right-hand corner of the Lever screen 

New texting conversations will load a draft consent message, introducing the recruiting company to the candidate and letting them know how to stop receiving future text messages.


The consent message will not send automatically, it must be manually sent by the user.
  • Click Click to Send to send the consent message
  • If you wish to make changes, click into the message to edit.

Lever candidate profile showing text message widget opened and arrow pointing to click to send link in draft consent message

To send a message,

  • Type your message into the Enter a message field
  • To send, press CTRL + Enter or the paper plane icon

Text messaging widget with arrow pointing to black paper plane icon

Replies will appear in the chat, with new messages indicated by a notification dot on the texting widget icon. Text messages sent by Lever appear as typical text messages for the candidate. 

Cellphone view of text message conversation


Please note, the candidate's phone number cannot be changed after a text thread has been started. If the phone number is updated and a new message is sent, then messages will continue to be sent to the original phone number on the candidate profile. 

Sending attachments

To include files in your messages, click the paperclip icon to the left of the message field. 

Text messaging widget with arrow pointing to paperclip icon

Supported file types are: 3g2, 3gp, amr, doc, docx, docx, gif, h261, h263, h264, ics, ifb, jpeg, jpg, m1v, m2v, mp4, mp4a, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpg4, oga, ogg, pdf, png, ppt, spx, text, tiff, txt, vcf, wav, xls, xlsx or xlsx.

Merge tags

Use 'Merge tags', placeholder fields that will auto-fill with information when sent. Placeholder fields can be used in regular text messages as well as in scheduled message.

  • Candidate Name [candidateName]
  • Candidate First Name [candidateFirstName]
  • Candidate Last Name [candidateLastName]
  • Recruiter First Name [recruiterFirstName]
  • Recruiter Last Name [recruiterLastName]
  • MyCompany Name [companyName]
  • Welcome Website [welcomeUrl]

Text messaging widget with merge tag underlined

When sent, the Merge tag will auto-fill will the relevant information.

Text messaging widget with updated merge tag underlined

Scheduling messages for later

You can schedule messages to send at a later time.

  • Click the clock icon to the right of the message field

Text messaging widget with arrow pointing to clock icon

  • In the schedule message editor, click the calendar and clock icon to select a date and time for which to schedule the message
  • Click the Add to Schedule button

Text messaging widget with arrows pointing to calender and clock icons

  • To edit, delete, or reschedule messages, click into See Scheduled Messages > 

Text messaging scheduled messages window with see scheduled messages link underlined

Scheduling events

You can schedule events with Candidate Texting:

  • Enter a date in your text, such as "tomorrow" or "May 5th", which will become underlined in the sent message
  • Click the underlined date or time

Text messaging widget with arrow pointing to underlined date in text message

  • Fill in the details of the event invite

Text messaging meeting invite editor

Note that the event invitation will not be sent by text. It will be sent to the email you indicate in the event invitation.


Scheduling through texting is not configured with Lever scheduling. Events scheduled through Candidate Texting will not appear in the candidate profile. To learn more about scheduling in Lever, refer to our help article on scheduling interviews.

Texting templates

You can use texting templates to create consistency and efficiency when texting with candidates. Users with texting permissions, with or without a texting license, can create and edit text templates if they are a Super Admin user or 'Manage texting templates' permissions. 

  • Navigate to Settings > Candidate Texting > Text Templates

Click on the column headings sort the Text templates by Template name alphabetically, Author alphabetically, and Last Edited by date and time. You can also search for templates in the Text Templates search bar.

  • To create a new template, click the + New Text Template button

Candidate Texting Text Templates settings with arrow pointing to blue + New text template button.

  • Type your template message 
  • Click Attach to attach files to your template.
    • Accepted file types: PDF, TEXT, XML, DOC, JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, VCARD, CALENDAR, THREE_GP, THREE_G2, MP4A, VIDEO_MPEG, H261, H263, H264, OGG, WAV, AMR

    • Maximum file size: 10 MB

    • More than one file can be uploaded

  • You can add placeholders (merge tags) to the templates, including Candidate first name, Candidate last Name, Recruiter first name, Recruiter last name, My company name, and Welcome website to personalize the message for each candidate.
  • Click the blue Save changes button

Click Reset to reset a template to its last saved version. Click Duplicate to duplicate the template.

Texting Template editor.

Only users with a texting license can load saved templates in the widget to send as a text message. To use texting templates in texting conversations:

  • Click the Message button in the texting window

Candidate texting chat window with arrow pointing to the templates icon.

  • Click a texting template to insert it into your message
    • You can use the search bar to search for a specific template

Candidate texting chat window with arrow pointing to the search bar and corresponding texting template.

  • Click the paper plane icon to send the message. 

The template will auto-fill with the relevant details and send to the candidate.

Candidate texting chat window with autofilled text template message sent to candidate.

Viewing Candidate texts conversations

Lever users who are provisioned with the necessary permissions to view a candidates's profile will be able to view a candidate's texting history with all users in the 'Texting' tab of the candidate profile. For this they do not need to be a licensed user.

  • Navigate to the candidate profile and click the Texts tab
  • Click into menu on the left side to view conversations with different users

Lever canaidate texts tab with arrows pointing to texts tab and candidate in candidate list.

Regardless of role or permissions, Lever users will only be able to send text messages to candidates if they are configured as a licensed user during set up with Lever Support. 

Consenting to texting

New texting conversations will load a draft consent message, introducing the recruiting company to the candidate and letting them know how to stop receiving future text messages.


The consent message will not send automatically, it must be manually sent by the user.
  • Click Click to send to send the consent message
  • If you wish to make changes, click into the message to edit

Cellphone view of Text message

Candidates can revoke consent from receiving text messages at anytime by replying with "STOP" or "UNSUBSCRIBE". If a candidate replies with ‘STOP’ or ‘UNSUBSCRIBE’, this will block the associated Lever account from being able to text the associated phone number further. Once they do this, a circular cross out sign will appear next to the candidate's name in the texting widget. 

Text messaging widget showing conversation list with arrow pointing to warning icon next to canddiate's name

You will also see a message within the text message conversation indicating that a stop or unsubscribe word was received. If you send a message to a candidate who has stopped texting consent, the message will not be delivered to the candidate and a red warning icon will appear on the message.

Text messaging widget showing conversation with stop word received notice and message with warning sign

Candidates who have texted "STOP" can only be texted again if they subsequently send a message with "START". 

Frequently Asked Questions

How many phone numbers can I have?

Organizations can have a single phone number for each licensed user, for as many users as licensed users as desired.

Can I choose my own phone number(s)?

Organizations can request an area code in the US or Canada, and Lever will strive to provision a phone number for texting that is in or near the requested area code. As numbers are subject to availability, Lever cannot guarantee providing specific area codes.

Can I text an international number from a US or Canadian number (and vice versa)?

Yes. International texting is supported and would not incur additional fees from Lever at this time. Note that this form of texting could result in higher carrier charges for candidates (e.g. a candidate based in the UK replying to a text from a US number may see charges for each message).

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