Career Site Builder: Google Analytics integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member, Interviewer
Limited to 5 users per Lever instance
Packages Standard Career Site Builder

In this article, you will learn about measuring site traffic using the Career Site Builder's built-in Google Analytics integration. Note that you must set up the integration with your own Google Analytics ID for Google Analytics to load on your website. Keep in mind that the Career Site Builder already tracks site visitors automatically through its native analytics feature, so adding your own Google Analytics ID is purely optional.

How the Google Analytics integration works

The integration into Google Analytics is based upon Google’s Global Site Tag technology, also known as gtags. This supports several Google-owned tracking technologies. This means you can include your ID for the following Google properties:

  • AdWords Conversion ID (AW-*)
  • Flood Light / Double Click Tracking ID (DC-*)
  • Google Global Measurement ID (G-*)
  • Google Analytics Property ID (UA-*)


Google Analytics 4 is replacing Universal Analytics. On July 1, 2023 all standard Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits. 360 Universal Analytics properties will stop processing new hits on July 1, 2024. To learn how to migrate, refer to Google's article on making the switch to Google Analytics 4.

Adding Google Analytics to your career site

If you have not done so already, you need to create a Google Analytics account, create a property, add a data stream, and set up data collection within your Google Analytics account. To learn how to do this, see Google Analytics setup article.

To add Google Analytics to your site:

  • In the left panel, navigate to SEO & Settings > Google Tools
  • Type your Google Analytics code
  • Type Enter to confirm

Because your site already has statistics through your dashboard, it is not usually necessary to also track statistics through Google Analytics. This option is provided as a convenience to users already familiar with Google Analytics, or who specifically require Google Analytics.

Invalid Google Analytics account error

This means your Google Analytics account is invalid, misspelled, or you are using the wrong code.

IP anonymization and privacy

The native site analytics and Google Analytics integration both implement IP anonymization by default. This means that the IP address of site visitors is not directly sent to Google Analytics or to the site's native analytics.

Disabling tracking

Upon your request, we can disable all tracking for your site. This will remove native site analytics, and any other built-in technology that tracks users. To disable tracking, contact Lever Support.

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