Field mapping between Lever and Paylocity

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Forms can only be edited by Super Admins and Admins; Offer fields and offer forms can only be edited by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

This article provides a breakdown of how fields are mapped between Lever and Paylocity when hire data is transferred. Before proceeding, we recommend reading our help article on how to enable and use the Paylocity integration.

How field mapping works between Lever and Paylocity

When a candidate's opportunity is archived as 'Hired,' Lever will look for the necessary information to pass to Paylocity in order to create their onboarding record. Lever looks for information on the 'Paylocity Onboarding' form, the offer form, and the candidate profile, in that order. In other words, when looking for information to pass to the Paylocity onboarding record:

  • Lever will first look form information on the 'Paylocity Onboarding' form attached to the hired candidate's profile. You can find instructions on how to set up the 'Paylocity Onboarding' form in our Paylocity integration setup article. If the 'Paylocity Onboarding' form is absent or the required field has not been filled out...
  • Lever will look for that information on the offer form associated with the offer sent to the hired candidate. Note that the only default field on the offer form that the integration will read is the 'Anticipated start date' field. All other fields would have to be added as custom fields to the offer form, which can result in very lengthy offer forms with duplicate fields (e.g. a default 'Candidate name' field and custom 'First Name' and 'Last Name' fields). For this reason, we advise using the 'Paylocity Onboarding' form to capture all information that you want to pass to the Paylocity onboarding record, and reserve use of custom offer fields for exceptional circumstances. To learn how to add custom fields to your offer form, refer to our offer forms help article. If the offer form is absent or the required field has not been filled out...
  • Lever will look for that information on the candidate profile itself. If the required does not exist or has not been filled out on the candidate profile...
  • The field will appear blank on the Paylocity onboarding record

Field mapping breakdown

Below is a breakdown of how fields from the 'Paylocity Onboarding' form, offer form, and candidate profile are mapped to the Paylocity onboarding object, respective of the order in which Lever looks for information (outlined above). Only the candidate information fields listed in the table can be passed from Lever to Paylocity. 

Lever Field Paylocity Field First source Second source Third source
Email Personal Email Candidate profile N/A N/A
Phone Number Mobile Phone Candidate profile N/A N/A
Paylocity User Name Username 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Custom field
Candidate profile
Concatenate first and last name; apply lowercase formatting; append a number to the end if the username is already taken (e.g. firstnamelastname1). Letters, numbers, periods, and underscores are the only characters allowed in this field.
Paylocity Instance N/A 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Custom field
If the first and second source are absent, but your integration only maps to one Paylocity instance, that instance will be used by default.
First Name First Name 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Custom field
Candidate profile
Last Name Last Name 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Custom field
Candidate profile
Address 1 Address 1 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Custom field
Offer form
Default 'Candidate address line 1' field, take value before the comma
Address 2 Address 2 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Custom field
Offer form
Default 'Candidate address line 1' field, take value after the comma
City City 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Custom field
Offer form
Default 'Candidate address line 2' field; if value format is <City>, <State>, <Zip> take value before first comma
State State 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Custom field
Offer form
Default 'Candidate address line 2' field; if value format is <City>, <State>, <Zip> take value between first and second comma
Zip Zip 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Custom field
Offer form
Default 'Candidate address line 2' field; if value format is <City>, <State>, <Zip> take value after second comma
Start Date Expected start from 'Paylocity Onboarding' form Offer form
Default 'Anticipated start date' field
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