Enabling and using the Alex by Apriora integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations
• (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The Alex by Apriora integration allows Alex to automatically assess candidates from Lever, and upload interview results directly into Lever. For more information refer to the Apriora website

Setting up the Alex by Apriora integration


You must be a team or organization with admin rights in Apriora to install this integration.
  • Log in to your Apriora account and click Settings in the menu bar.

  • Click Integrations.

  • Select Lever.

  • Click Connect to Lever

  • Sign into your Lever admin account to connect both platforms.
  • Review the list of requested permissions and click Accept to authorize the integration.
    • Apriora will request access to opportunities, applications, files, interviews, notes, stages, tags, postings, webhooks and offline access in order to generate interviews and send invites when candidates are received in Lever.

Congratulations! The integration connection is active!

To finalize the enablement of the integration, please complete the following configuration steps. In a later part of this guide you will also learn about how to configure interview invite triggers in Apriora.

Configuring the Alex by Apriora integration

Complete the following steps to complete the configuration:

Enable Webhooks

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Webhooks
  • Toggle the following webhooks if they are not already enabled
    • Application Created
    • Candidate Stage Change

The integration automatically adds a new webhook configuration to trigger when new candidate applications are received and when you move a candidate to 'On-site Interview in Lever. The webhooks must be enabled so Lever can send Apriora the required information to generate and sent interviews to candidates.

Using the Alex by Apriora integration

Aprioraʼs flagship product is Alex, your AI interviewer. Alex automates the process of interviewing candidates through the following workflows:

Automated Interview Invites

Alex will automatically send out email invites to candidates, and handle all interview scheduling. A tag will be added to candidate opportunities once an interview invite is sent by Alex

Automated Interviews

Alex will automatically generate an interview template based on the job information from Lever including the job title, description, and salary. You can view and modify generated interviews directly from the Apriora dashboard.

  • Log in to your Apriora account and click Interviews in the menu bar.

  • Click the interview you would like to view.

  • Click Settings.

From here you can adjust follow-up settings, view/edit interview questions, edit job description, etc.

View Interview Results in Lever

Once an interview is completed by the candidate, Alex will follow-up with the candidate and perform the following actions Lever:

  • Add an “Alex - Interview Completeˮ tag on candidate opportunity.

  • Add a note to the candidate opportunity. 
    • Alex will include a score (out of 100), general feedback on the interview, as well as a link to the full report in the Apriora dashboard. Alex also utilizes Leverʼs 1-4 scoring system for her notes.

  • Upload a Report PDF to the candidate opportunity.
  • From here you can preview and download the report PDF.

Customizing your Apriora <> Lever Integration

You can configure when when you want Alex to reach out to candidates.

On Trigger Stage

By default, Alex will only send interview invites to candidates moved to the selected Trigger Stage (ˮOn-site Interviewˮ by default). To change the Trigger Stage, complete the following:

  • In Apriora, navigate back to Lever integration page. 
  • Select from any of the available Lever stages. 

On Application Received

Alternatively, if a job in Lever is marked with a “Alex - On Applicationˮ tag, then Alex will send an interview invite to all candidates who apply.


Use the exact format above for this tag to ensure proper functionality.

Disabling the Alex Apriora integration

  1. In Lever navigate to Settings > Integrations and API
  2. Under the Authorized Apps tab, locate the Apriora app
  3. Click Revoke access to disable the integration
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