Enabling and using the Woven integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Lever’s integration with Woven allows you to seamlessly embed our technical assessments in your interview plan. We’ll send the candidate a prep guide and a link to their work simulation, and then deliver the results to their Notes once the candidate has finished. Your engineering team will save time and interview with more confidence that you’re speaking with complete engineers whose skills meet the mark.

In this article, we will cover how to: 

  • Authorize the Woven integration
  • Set up the Woven integration
  • Complete integration setup by enabling webhooks
  • Using the Woven integration
  • Appendix: how to request a stage in Lever

Setup the integration:

Note: Access role must be Super Admin in order to set up the integration.

1. Log into your Woven account and click on Settings from the navbar.

Woven platform settings dropdown menu.

2. Click the Configure ATS Integration button.

Woven platform ATS integration page with configure ATS integration button.

3. Select Lever from the dropdown menu and click the Next button.

4. Click on the Connect to Lever button.

Woven platform with Lever logo and connect to Lever text.

Note: if you're on Lever's EU data center, then you'll need to use API keys to enable the integration, if this is the case, please contact Woven at help@woventeams.com.

5. You may need to log into Lever, or you might proceed directly to step 6.

6. Review the permissions that Woven is requesting when connecting to Lever. You can see an example screenshot and a description of what Woven does with these permissions below.

Lever authorize app modal with list of permissions and blue accept button.

  • View all candidates’ applications
    • Woven needs access to search your candidates’ applications so that we can find the correct candidate to update.
  • View all archived reasons
    • In order to continue improving, Woven wants to track reasons why you archive candidates who went through Woven.
  • View and manage all candidates’ notes
    • Woven will communicate with you through Lever via candidate Notes.
  • View all postings
    • Woven needs access to see your postings so we can give you a list to choose from. You’ll select which postings will use Woven.
  • View all stages
    • Woven needs access to see your stages so we can give you a list to choose from. You’ll select which stage sends candidates to Woven.
  • View all users
    • Woven needs access to see your users so we can give you a list to choose from. You’ll select which user will be the author of candidates’ Notes on Woven’s behalf in your Lecer account.
  • Manage all webhooks
    • Three webhooks will be automatically created once integration setup is complete. Webhooks send information to Woven so we can send your candidates their work simulations.
  • Allow offline access
    • This is a default scope that is included with all Lever integrations.

7. Click the Accept button to proceed. If you have questions or concerns, please contact us at help@woventeams.com, or create a Lever Support ticket.

8. You’ll be redirected to the Lever configuration page.

Configuring the Woven integration

Select the Woven user

1. The first step is to select the Woven user. You can look through the dropdown, or you can start typing in order to search for the correct user.

Lever ATS Integration Configuration with candidate dropdown menu.

2. Once you select a user, you should see their name in a purple bar. Click Next.

Woven ATS Integration Configuration page with selected user.

Note: If you don’t see the user you want to use, click the “I don’t see the option I want…” to send a help request.

Woven How can we help page with additional notes field.

Select the roles where you want to use Woven

1. Next, select the roles where you want to use Woven. You can look through the dropdown, or you can start typing in order to search for the correct user. You’ll see the roles that you selected listed in purple bars. You can select multiple roles.

   a. If you want to remove a role from the list, click the white X.

Woven configuration page with selected roles.

2. Once you’ve selected all of the roles where you want to use Woven, click Next.

   a. If you don’t see the option you want, click the “I don’t see a role I want…” link to submit a help request.

Select the Woven stage and stage type

1. Select the stage that you want to use for Woven. Moving a candidate to this stage will automatically send them to Woven and send an invite to the candidate.

Woven configuration page with Lever trigger stage selector.

2. Next, select how Woven fits into your interview process. The most common paths are:

   a. “Woven first”: applicants take Woven as the first step of the recruiting process

   b. “{customer} first”: candidates take Woven after the initial phone screen

Or, sometimes it’s a mix of both.Woven configuration page path selector.

Note: It can be helpful to create a special stage for Woven for visibility. You can do this by opening a Lever support ticket. 

3. Once you’ve selected the Lever stage and candidate path, click the Finish button.

Completing integration setup

You’ll be shown a summary of your Lever integration setup. There’s just one more step before you can start sending candidates to Woven.

Enable webhooks in your Lever account

If they’re not already enabled, the following webhooks must be enabled by a Lever Super Admin:

  • Application Created
  • Candidate Stage Change
  • Candidate Archive State Change

Lever settings with integrations and API in left hand menu and webhooks tab outlined.

Once your Super Admin is ready to complete the integration setup, have them take the following steps.

1. Navigate to the Integrations and API section of Settings in your Lever account.

2. Click on the Webhooks tab.

Lever webhook configuration page.

Note: you should see URLs already present for the three webhooks that will be used with Woven.

3. Toggle the three webhooks needed for Woven on.

   a. Application Created

   b. Candidate Stage Change

   c. Candidate Archive State Change

4. Confirm that each webhook is connected successfully by using the Verify Connection button.

Lever settings page with application created toggle on blue and verify connection button outlined.

Note: you may notice that it looks like the webhook URLs have a double protocol (https://https://...), but the webhooks do work, as evidenced by the Verified status! 

And that’s it! Setup is complete, and you’re ready to start finding engineers to crush your hiring goals.

Using the Woven integration

1. Select a candidate from a Woven role in Lever to get started.

Note: only candidates who are assigned to Woven roles will be sent to Woven.

lever interviews page.

2. Click on the candidate’s current stage to get a dropdown of available stages.

Lever candidate profile with stage listing outlined.

3. Move the candidate to the stage that you designated as the Woven stage during setup. We chose New Applicant earlier in this guide, so that’s what we’re selecting here.

Lever stage change dropdown menu.

And you’re done! Woven sent the candidate an invitation to their work simulation. You’ll see a new entry in the candidate’s Notes (the bottom entry in the example below).

Lever candidate profile candidate historu section with Woven updates.

We’ll also add a note for each of the following:

  • First, second, and final reminder to the candidate to complete their work simulation (they can always complete the work simulation, but we stop sending reminders after 1 week).
  • When the candidate completes the work simulation
  • Delivery of the Woven recommendation

Need Help?

Please contact help@woventeams.com for troubleshooting assistance regarding the integration.

How to disable the integration:

1. In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API

2. Under the Authorized Apps tab locate the Woven app

3. Click Revoke Access to disable the integration

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