Enabling and using the JobTarget Sourcer integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

With JobTarget Sourcer, Lever users can now search through millions of resumes and profiles across multiple sources to deliver the right the candidates – all in one convenient location. JobTarget Sourcer integrate with leading resume banks (Indeed, CareerBuilder, and Dice), allowing users to search across multiple candidate sources seamlessly without bouncing from site to site. The JobTarget Sourcer and Lever integration will automatically ingest your Lever candidate profiles into the JobTarget platform.

Setup the integration:

Note: Access role must be Super Admin in order to set up the integration.

1. Go to JobTarget.com and login to your account through the link on the upper right corner of the page.

2. Once logged in on the dashboard screen, click on “Sourcer” tab (highlighted below).

JobTarget platform with Sourcer tab outlined.

3. Click on “More” to integrate databases of both internally stored Lever candidates as well as external job boards resume accounts (CareerBuilder, Dice, Indeed).

JobTarget sourcer page with dropdown more menu outlined.

4. Choose candidate source from list of available integrations and click connect. You will be temporarily redirected to the login screen from that source to enter your credentials. Repeat step for any available job sources that you wish to integrate into JobTarget Sourcer.

JobTarget sourcer page showing Lever card with blue connect button.

How to use the integration:

All sources you’ve chosen to integrate will now appear on the Sourcer home search screen*.

JobTarget sourcer page showing search fields.

*Note: Internal resumes databases could take between 48-72 hours to become available after the connection is made depending on size. External sources (CareerBuilder, Dice, Indeed) will be available instantly after connection.

How to disable the integration:

1. Navigate to your Integrations & API Settings Page in Lever

2. Under the Authorized Apps tab locate the Job Target app

3. Click Revoke Access to disable the integration

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