Enabling and using the hackajob integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • Manage API credentials and manage integrations
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Hackajob is a sourcing platform that was created to revolutionize tech recruitment. It allows companies to publish tech jobs and attract candidates with the specified skill set. Candidates can create their profile in Hackajob in minutes, highlighting their expertise and expectations. When you integrate Lever and Hackajob, candidates from Hackajob can be imported to a relevant job in Lever and then synchronized back on Hackajob when the stage is changed on Lever. Setting up the integration between Lever and Hackajob requires that you have access to the master account on Hackajob.

Setting up the Hackajob integration

  • In hackajob: Log in to your hackajob account
  • In hackajob: Navigate to your Account Settings page
  • In hackajob: Navigate to Integration Settings section and click Connect

Hackajob platform showing lever listing and red connect button

  • In Lever: You will be redirected to a screen where you need to add your Lever credentials, this screen is part of the Lever platform, we are not capturing your credentials
  • In Lever: If your account have the correct role you will see the following screen from where you need to accept the integration and the scopes we will use

Lever and hackajob authorize app modal showing list of preferences and blue accept button

  • After you authorize the integration you will be redirected back to the hackajob platform
  • In hackajob: You will see that the status of the integration was changed from 'Not Connected' to 'Connected'
  • In Lever: Go to Settings > Integrations and API > Webhooks and activate all required webhooks by switching the toggles to 'on.'
    • Webhooks required: Candidate Stage Change, Candidate Archive State Change, Candidate Hired, Candidate Deleted, Interview Created, Interview Updated, Interview Deleted

Configuring the Hackajob integration

After enabling the integration, a green 'Connected' status will be indicated and the Configure The Integration button will appear:

Hackajob platform showing lever listing with green connected tag and configure the integration button

Click this button in order to match each of your Hackajob roles with Lever jobs, along with the pipeline stages between Hackajob and Lever.

Using the Hackajob integration

To export a candidate to Lever, your will need to invite the candidate in interview and then to schedule an interview with the candidate via Hackajob (this is the default rule, you can change it from hackajob Account page). When both these actions have been completed, the candidate will be exported to Lever, to a stage that corresponds to Hackajob's  'Phone Interview - 1st Round' stage according to your settings. CV and the Hackajob profile is attached to the candidate.

If the webhooks are correctly setup when the stage is changed on Lever the stage is updated also on Hackajob based on the mapping created before.

Disabling the Hackajob integration

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Authorized Apps
  • Locate the Hackajob app
  • Click Revoke access
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