Enabling and using the JDP integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The JDP integration allows automation of a background check during the application process. This background check can happen at any specified stage during the application or hiring process in Lever. To learn how enable the JDP integration, and to understand general features, see the information below. Specifically, readers of this article will learn about:

Setting up the JDP integration


Access role must be Super Admin in Lever to set up the integration. You must contact JDP to enable the integration.

  • Contact JDP to initiate the integration enablement process
  • JDP will contact TazWorks Support to create and customize the integration

Configuring the JDP integration

Configure webhook

  • TazWorks provides the webhook URL
    • Expected syntax: ats.instascreen.net/lever/stage-change-events/{AWS API Key}
  • In Lever, create a 'Candidate Stage Change' the webhook signature token by navigating to Settings > Integrations & API > Webhooks and entering the webhook URL provided by TazWorks
  • Copy the signature token and save to email noted in the following stage configuration step

Candidate stage change webhook tile with webhook and signature token fields outlined.

Configure stage

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Pipeline and archive reasons
  • Scroll down to locate your background check stage; this will be the stage that will be used to initiate the background check
  • Click Reveal Stage ID

Close up of reference check stage tile in Pipeline and archvie reason settings.

  • Copy the Stage ID
  • Email JDP the signature token and Stage ID; JDP will provide this information to TazWorks to complete setup

Configure tags

You can override default packages set in TazWorks by applying tags to opportunities in Lever. To configure this option, TazWorks will need to know the desired tag prefixes. You must include the configured prefix when adding a tag to override the default package (e.g. "Product: Criminal Package 2"). Prefix overrides will be used on Package/Product, Reference Field, sub-client ordering, Flagging, and the Report Decision. JDP will discuss tag configuration with you during the initial enablement.

Using the JDP integration

Initiate background check

To initiate a background check in TazWorks, move the candidate to the designated trigger stage on Lever (e.g. "Background Check"). The integration will send TazWorks the candidate name (required), email (required), phone, tags (only tags with set prefixes will be used), position department, position title, and location.

Once received two things will occur:

  1. The integration will add a new "Background Check Status:" tag to the opportunity on Lever.
  2. The candidate will be sent a TazWorks “QuickApp” via email/phone to complete the background check (depending on pre-configured TazWorks settings). 

Background check status

The integration will update the background check status on the Lever opportunity. These updates will be reflected on the "Background Check Status:" tag. Please find below a list of statuses:

  • Pending: TazWorks has received the request and the "QuickApp” was generated correctly.
  • Rejected: TazWorks did not receive or accept the request and there was a problem. A note will be added to the opportunity on Lever with more information about the issue.
    • For example, if an email is missing on the opportunity the request will be rejected.
  • In Progress: The candidate has completed the 'QuickApp' and the background check is being performed.
  • Complete: The background check has been completed and results have been posted to Lever.
  • Error: There is an issue between Lever and TazWorks communication.

Close up of Lever opportunity profile with tag reading Background Check Status: Error

Background check results

When a background check is completed the status tag will change and a note with the results will be created. The note will be uploaded to Lever as 'secret'. Only authorized users will have access to see the results.

In addition, depending on the TazWorks configuration, two (2) new tags will be created on the Lever opportunity:

  • Flag: Indicates if the report was “flagged” with records.
  • Decision: Indicates the “Report Decision”.

Close up of Lever opportunity profile with tags reading Background Check Status: Completed, Flag: false, and Decision: Passed; a link to the background check results also appears in the candidate story.

Additional integration features

Product ordering
A default product will be set during the initial configuration. This value can be changed by contacting TazWorks support. The default product can be overridden by adding a Lever tag with a specific prefix. The prefix is also set during the initial configuration and can be customized (e.g. "Product: " or "Package - "). The value that follows the prefix will need to be the exact name of the Product created in TazWorks. For example, if there is a default product “Criminal Package 1” and an override prefix of “Product: ”, and the tag, “Product: Criminal Package 2”, is added to the Lever opportunity, then the “Criminal Package 2” product will be applied to the background check instead of the default package “Criminal Package 1”. If the tag does not have the exact prefix added to the beginning, then the default package will be ordered. If the prefix is correct, but the product specified does not match a product in TazWorks exactly, then it will either use the default or error. This setting can be configured.

Sub-Client ordering
To take advantage of Sub-client ordering, JDP will need to select which value they would like the Lever Location to map to. The options will be “Client Code”, “Client Name”, “Client City”, or “Don’t support sub-clients”. If the location matches the option selected, then the sub-client will be used in TazWorks. If the value of the Location does not match the selected TazWorks value, then it will either revert to the main client or return an error. This setting can be configured.

Reference Field value
The Reference Field is not something that is always used by TazWorks customers. With that in mind, there are a couple of Lever values that can be mapped to it: “Don’t support Reference Field”, “Job Title”, “Job Department”, or “Through Tags”. If “Job Title” or “Job Department” are selected then it will automatically map to those Lever values. If “Through Tags” is selected, then another setting to set the prefix will be used to identify the correct tag from Lever.

Flagging and Report Decision
Customers will have the option to send Flags and Report Decisions with the results to Lever. If electing to use the Flags and Report Decision feature, a prefix will be required for TazWorks to create new tags in Lever when it sends results. Flags will be sent as "true" or "false" values. So, if the prefix is "Flag:", then the tag created will be "Flag:True" or "Flag:False". The Report Decision tag will send the values selected on the TazWorks report. 

Disabling the JDP integration

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations & API
  • Under the 'Authorized Apps' tab, locate the JDP by TazWorks app
  • Click Revoke Access to disable the integration
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