Enabling and using the Workload integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • Manage API credentials and manage integrations
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The Workload integration enables you to connect and integrate Lever with hundreds of popular business applications to build automated workflows for your team or company.

Setting up the Workload integration

Part 1: Triggers

Connecting the webhook

  • On the Workload dashboard, click on Create New to build a new workflow in the editor
  • Click on Create Trigger and select 'Webhook' from the list of options; click Next
  • Click on Webhook Received as the trigger
  • Click Create Trigger
  • You will now see a data window appear with a webhook URL; copy the webhook URL and keep it somewhere safe

Workload platform showing webhook URL

  • In Lever, navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Webhook and paste the URL from the previous step into the appropriate webhook
  • Return to Workload’s editor and click on Test Trigger
  • Workload will now wait to verify that the integration is sending data; trigger the webhook in Lever (e.g. Move a candidate into a new stage, create an interview, etc.)
  • You will now see Workload’s data window update to reflect the data received in the webhook


Workload platform with received webhook data

You can now go on to add an action by dragging the handle of the trigger node onto the empty canvas.

Part 2: Actions

Connecting the Integration

  • On the Workload dashboard, click on Create New to build a new workflow in the editor
  • Click Create Trigger and set up a trigger to run your workflow
  • Click and drag the handle onto the canvas to create an action; click on the action node to edit
  • Select 'Lever v2' and choose an action; click next to proceed to the authentication step
  • Click on Add New and follow the instructions on the modal

Workload authorize app modal with list of permissions and blue accept button

Complete the workflow

  • Once you click Accept, you will have granted Workload access to your Lever account
  • Ensure you have selected the newly created credential before moving on to the next step; click Next
  • Fill in Action Details with any relevant information if necessary; click Next
  • Click on Test Action
  • Review the data that was just pulled from your Lever account to ensure there are no errors
  • Give the workflow a name in the title bar
  • Activate the workflow by clicking on the slider in the upper right corner; iIt will turn green and say “ON” if it is active
  • Click the Save button
  • To exit the editor, click on the “back” chevron next to the Workload logo in the upper left corner; you will return to the dashboard where you will see your new workflow plus any other workflows you have created

Using the Workload integration

You can now move data in and out of Lever in a flexible way. Common use cases are to pull reports from various sources in Lever into a Google Sheet once every few days for reporting purposes, or send messages in Slack when a team member is invited to an interview panel. 

Workload platform with list of output data

Disabling the Workload integration

  • In Workload, navigate to the 'Connections' tab in the main sidebar menu
  • Check the box for “Lever v2”
  • Click Remove to disable the integration and revoke Workload’s token
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