Enabling and using the Wedge integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be enabled by Super Admins
Permissions • (To enable) Manage API credentials and manage integrations
• (To use) Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

Wedge is a one-way video interviewing platform made simple. The Wedge and Lever integration will allow you to initiate video assessments directly from Lever and update the Lever candidate record with details from the assessment itself.

Setting up the Wedge integration

Connecting the integration

  • In Wedge, navigate to the 'Integrations' section on your admin page
  • From the list click to connect the Lever integration

 Wedge integration page showing connect to Lever button

  • Authorize the permissions that pop up on the following screen

Authorize app modal with list of permissions and blue accept button

  • Once the application is authorized, you will have the option to configure additional integration settings; click Settings to set the trigger stage in which Wedge video assessments will be initiated

Integrations page showing dropdown menu from settings and phoen screen selected

Using the Wedge integration

When a Lever opportunity moves to the selected trigger stage, the candidate will automatically receive a Wedge video assessment invite. You will see the candidate appear in the pending invites section of your Wedge dashboard.

Wedge list of candidates showing invites tab

Disabling the Wedge integration

  • Navigate to Settings > Integrations and API > Authorized Apps
  • Locate the Wedge app
  • Click Revoke Access
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