Available for | Roles | Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member Can only be configured by Super Admins |
Packages | Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise |
The Crimcheck integration allows you to trigger background checks on candidates in Lever and receive results from within the Lever platform.
Readers of this article will learn the following:
- How to Setup the Integration
- How to Configure the Integration
- How to Use the Integration
- How to Place Background Screening Orders
- How to View Background Screening Results
Setup the integration:
Access role must be Super Admin in Lever to set up the integration. You must be a team or organization with admin rights in Crimcheck to install this integration. |
1. Contact Crimcheck via integrations@crimcheck.com to enable the Lever integration on your Crimcheck account.
2. On the Crimcheck Client Portal, go to the left-hand menu, then go to My Account then Integrations.
3. Locate “Lever” on the list of integrations. Click the Authorize Integration button.
4. On the modal, enter your Lever user credentials.
5. Review the list of requested permissions. Click Accept.
Your Lever instance is now connected to Crimcheck.
How to configure the integration:
Configure Webhooks
1. In Lever, go to Settings > Integration and API > Webhooks.
2. Toggle the “Candidate Stage Change” webhook if it isn’t already enabled.
3. Add a new webhook with the following URL: “api.crimeassure.com/api/lever/processwebhook”
4. Copy the “Signature token” and send to your Crimcheck representative.
If the “Signature token” value is regenerated, your integration with Crimcheck will stop working. |
How to use the integration:
Placing Background Screening Orders
In your Lever Opportunity, select the “Add Form” option under the ellipsis button.
Select one of two background screening forms:
1. Crimcheck (Applicant Link): Applicant is sent a link to complete the required information for the background screening.
2. Crimcheck (Order Comprehensive): Background screening information is entered in Lever’s system by the user and sent to Crimcheck.
Complete the selected form by selecting a background screening package and entering all required information.
Move the candidate to the "Reference check" stage to initiate the background screening.
The background screening form must be completed before the Opportunity advances to the “Reference check” stage |
Currently, only one background screening can be ordered per applicant. If you need an additional screening ordered for an applicant or if the original order details were incorrect, please reach out to the Crimcheck integrations team at integrations@crimcheck.com. |
Receiving Background Screening Results
As the background screening is processed in Crimcheck’s system, status updates will be posted to Lever as tags.
Additionally, a link to the Background Screening report in the Crimcheck Client Portal will be added to the opportunity links section upon completion.
How to disable the integration:
1. In Lever navigate to Settings > Integrations and API.
2. Under the Authorized Apps tab, locate the Crimcheck app.
3. Click Revoke Access to disable the integration.