Transitioning to Visual Insights

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Some roles can only view select dashboards (see below)
Packages All packages 
LeverTRM for Enterprise and/or add-ons required for select dashboards


Legacy Reporting has been retired as of September 25, 2024. If you’re unfamiliar with Visual Insights reporting, check out our Visual Insights course on Employ HireEd.

In August 2022, Lever released a product update making Visual Insights the default in-app analytics interface. The updated interface is accessed via the Visual Insights tab in the platform header (previously labelled 'Reports').

This article is designed to help those that are most familiar with the legacy reporting interface transition to the updated Visual Insights view. Note that every data point retrievable in the legacy reporting interface is retrievable in the updated Visual Insights view. Readers of this article will be able to compare the default reporting interface and the Visual Insights interface by location as well as by metric.

The updated Visual Insights interface offers usability advantages that make it easier to discover actionable measurements in your recruitment data. Visual Insights also contains new dashboards and the ability to report on metrics not available in the legacy reporting interface. For a full breakdown of these advantages and additions, refer to our Visual Insights help article collection.


User access to Visual Insights is beyond parity with the legacy interface, as outlined in our User Access help article. Super Admins can view all dashboards. Admins can view all dashboards with the exception of Offers, Diversity, and EEO. Team Members can only view the Recruiter Operations and Hiring Manager dashboards. Limited Team Members can only view the Hiring Manager dashboard.

Location Comparison

Below is a breakdown of where the information from the legacy reporting interface can be found in the new Visual Insights interface. 

Legacy reporting interface Visual Insights
Job postings Postings dashboard
Lever Nurture Nurture dashboard
Candidate stats* Pipeline dashboard
Conversion rates* Pipeline dashboard > 'Conversions' chart
Pipeline speed* Pipeline dashboard > 'Average time to hire' and 'Average time in stage' charts
Offers* Offers dashboard > 'All offers' chart
Interviews* Interviews dashboard 
Interview calibration Feedback dashboard
Compliance Compliance dashboard
Bookmarks added in the legacy reporting interface do not carry over to Visual Insights.
Bookmarks are listed in the side panel of each dashboard.
Exports Full data exports can be run from the Exports section. In addition, data from charts can be directly downloaded from each dashboard.


The 'Explore' page of Legacy reports marked with an asterisk (*) in the table above are cross-linked to their corresponding dashboard in Visual Insights. Click the View in Visual Insights button at the top of each dashboard to open the corresponding Visual Insights dashboard in a new browser tab.

Arrow pointing to View in Visual Insights button in legacy reports

Any filters you have applied to the Legacy report at the time you activate the cross-link will be carried over to the Visual Insight on which you land, provided that filter also exists on the Visual Insights dashboard.

Metric Comparison

You may be familiar with using reports to find specific insights in your team's recruitment data. Below you will find a list of metrics commonly searched for in the legacy reporting interface and where you can find that same metric in the updated Visual Insights interface.

How many active candidates are in the pipeline?

Legacy reporting

  • Navigate to the corresponding Candidate stats > Explore report
  • Refer to the single value charts at the top of the report

Visual Insights

  • Navigate to the Pipeline dashboard
  • Refer to the 'Pipeline opportunity volume' chart


How many candidates have been hired for a specific posting over a given period of time?

Legacy reporting

  • Navigate to the Job postings report for the corresponding posting
  • Refer to the 'Hired Opportunities' single value chart

Visual Insights

  • Navigate to the Talent Leader Summary dashboard
  • Filter for the specific posting
  • Refer to the 'Hires' KPI tile


Which sources yield the largest number of hired candidates?

Legacy reporting

  • Navigate to the Candidate stats by source report
  • Refer to the 'Hired' column in the table of top sources

Visual Insights

  • Navigate to the Sources dashboard
  • Refer to the 'Top sources - hires' table


Are we moving enough candidates through the recruitment pipeline over time?

Legacy reporting

  • Navigate to the Conversion rates > Explore report
  • Refer to the conversion rate table at the top of the report

Visual Insights

  • Navigate to the Pipeline dashboard
  • Refer to the 'Stage conversions' chart


How long are candidates spending in the pipeline? Are there bottlenecks in the recruitment funnel?

Legacy reporting

  • Navigate to the Pipeline speed > Explore report
  • Refer to the 'Time spent in stage' table at the top of the report

Visual Insights

  • Navigate to the Pipeline dashboard
  • Refer to the 'Average time in stages' chart


Do certain teams move candidates through the pipeline faster than others?

Legacy reporting

  • Refer to the Pipeline speed by team name report

Visual Insights

  • Navigate to the Pipeline dashboard
  • Filter for a specific team
  • Refer to the 'Average time in stages' chart
  • Repeat as needed for each team


How long does it typically take to hire a candidate once they have entered the pipeline?

Legacy reporting

  • Navigate to the corresponding Candidate stats > Explore report
  • Refer to the average time to hire shown beneath the single value charts at the top of the report

Visual Insights

  • Navigate to the Pipeline dashboard
  • Refer to the 'Average time to hire' KPI tile


What percentage of candidates receive positive or negative feedback?

Legacy reporting

  • Navigate to the Interviews > Explore report
  • Refer to the 'Positive Scores' single value chart at the top of the report

Visual Insights

  • Navigate to the Interviews dashboard
  • Refer to the 'Positive scores' KPI tile


Do certain teams or recruiters take longer to submit feedback following an interview?

Legacy reporting

  • Refer to the Interview calibration by team name report

Visual Insights

  • Navigate to the Interviews dashboard
  • Refer to the 'Time to complete feedback by interviewer' chart
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