Enabling and using the Code Signal integration

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Can only be configured by Super Admins
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

CodeSignal provides coding tests and assessments for technical hiring.

Using the CodeSignal integration

Send CodeSignal Certification Requests and Tests from Lever

You can send your candidates CodeSignal Certifications requests and CodeSignal Tests invitations directly from Lever. Once your candidates complete their assessments, their results will be automatically added to the respective candidate's profile in Lever.

1. Open the candidate's profile in Lever and make sure that the candidate's stage is one of the "Trigger Stages" defined during your integration set-up process. (e.g. Phone Screen, CodeSignal Test, etc.)

Lever candidate profile with Phone Screen stage outlined.

2. Click the CodeSignal assessment selection link on the right side of the profile.

Lever candidate profile with codesignal link outlined.

3. You'll be taken to a CodeSignal page on a new browser tab. Select an assessment of your choice (Certify or Test). Then, click the "Send Invitation" button.

Codesignal platform with test name field and send invitation button outlined.

That's it! It should have sent out an invitation to your candidate and you will see the confirmation message.

Codesignal platform with assessment invitation sent message.

4. Return to Lever and click the "Notes" tab on the candidate's profile. You will see that a new note about CodeSignal Assessment has been added. The initial CodeSignal assessment selection link will be removed from the profile once a CodeSignal assessment is sent. 

Lever candidate profile showing notes tab with codesignal assessment sent status outlined

5. Once your candidate completes the CodeSignal assessment, the result will be automatically sent to Lever. You will see a new note in the candidate's profile with the following information:
Test Name
Date Completed
Link to the assessment result

Lever notes with CodeSignal assessment update with complete status outlined.

Enable the CodeSignal integration

Generate a Lever API Key for the Lever/CodeSignal Integration

Your Lever API key will grant CodeSignal's system access to the specified data in your Lever account.

Note: You must be a Super Admin in order to complete the following steps.

1. Navigate to the Settings > Integrations and API page in Lever.

2. Scroll down to the "Assessments" section and click the toggle for CodeSignal.

3. The toggle icon will turn orange, and the section will expand. Click the "Generate New Key" button. The system will inform you which permissions the integration with CodeSignal will authorize. 

Lever integrations and API settings showing CodeSignal section with blue Generate New Key button outlined.

4. Navigate to the Lever ATS Credentials page on CodeSignal. Then paste the API key and test it by clicking the Test button. Once the test is successful, click Save.

CodeSignal integrations option selected in menu.
CodeSignal credentials tab with API key field and arrow pointing to test button.

Enter Your Lever Webhook Signing Token to CodeSignal

A webhook signing token allows Lever's system to confirm that the requests made by CodeSignal on behalf of you are authorized by you. 

1. Click the "Webhooks" tab.

Lever integrations and API setting with webhooks tab outlined.

2. Scroll down to the "Webhook signing token" section. Then, copy the value shown under "Signature Token."

Lever Webhook signing token page with signature token outlined.

3. Paste the webhook signing token to the Credentials section on the CodeSignal Lever Integration page. Click Save.

CodeSignal credentials page with arrow pointing to webhook signing token.

Customize the Lever/CodeSignal Integration

1. Update the Notification Setting: You can trigger notifications to all Lever users following a candidate when an assessment note is posted to the candidate. In the Assessment Results Notification dropdown, choose your preferred notification setting.

CodeSignal credentials page with don't notify selected in assessment results notification dropdown selector.

2. Choose Trigger Stages: Navigate to the Configuration tab and add all stages that you want to trigger a CodeSignal assessment in the Choose Trigger Stages field. Whenever a candidate is moved into one of the selected stages in Lever, a CodeSignal assessment selection link will be added to the corresponding Lever opportunity.

CodeSignal configuration page with arrow pointing to stages field and dropdown selector.

3. Choose the Default Lever User: Under the Choose Default Lever User dropdown select the user from your Lever account who you want to display as the author of the notes and other resources created by the CodeSignal integration. (You can also create and use a dummy account like CodeSignal Integration to clarify that these notes are written automatically.)

CodeSignal configuration page with arrow pointing to choose default Lever user field.

Configure the Candidate Stage Change Webhook in Lever

This step allows your Lever account to automatically inform CodeSignal about candidate stage change events. CodeSignal will then check these events for any match with the "trigger stages" you've selected in the previous step as those events take place.

1. Navigate to the CodeSignal Lever Integration page and copy the value displayed in the Webhook URL field.

CodeSignal configuration page with arrow pointing to webhook URL field.

2. Navigate to the Settings > Integrations and API page in Lever.

3. Click the "Webhooks" tab to go to the "Webhook configuration" section. Click the toggle for "Candidate Stage Change" and click the "+ Add webhook" button.

Lever integrations and API settings showing webhooks tab and arrows pointing to the candidate stage change toggle and add webhook button.4. Add your configuration URL and click the "Verify Connection" button.

Lever integrations and API settings showing webhooks tab and arrows pointing to the candidate stage change field and verify connection button.

Once you see that the connection is verified, you are all set.

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