Filtering candidates by last interaction

Available for Roles Super Admin, Admin, Team Member, Limited Team Member
Permissions • Manage profiles and view associated postings
Packages Lever Basic, LeverTRM, LeverTRM for Enterprise

The 'Last interaction' filter allows you to easily locate candidates who may be going stale in your pipeline. Use this filter to prioritize your outreach, to ensure that no candidates slip through the cracks.

Filtering the candidate dashboard by last interaction

If you'd like to filter the candidate dashboard by last interaction to view which candidates may be going stale: 

  • Click the filter icon in the candidate search bar

Arrow pointing to list icon in the candidate search bar

  • Input a date range using the 'Last interaction' filter fields
  • Click the Filter Candidates button

Advanced filter modal with last interaction date fields filled out

You can check next steps in a candidate's journey with the call-to-action buttons that appear next to their opportunity in the pipeline list. For more information refer to our help article on call-to-action buttons. You can also learn how to be notified of opportunities that have not been interacted within a certain period of time in our help article on inactivity alerts.

Pipeline listing opportunities filtered by last interaction

How is the last interaction date calculated?

Last interaction is determined by the last time a "story" was created on an opportunity profile, including: 

  • Change in stage
  • Archiving a candidate
  • Snoozing a candidate
  • Archiving an opportunity
  • Scheduling an interview
  • Adding a feedback form
  • Adding a note
  • Adding a file to the files section on the candidate's profile
  • Adding a resume to the resumes section on the candidate's profile

The following activities also count as an interactions, once they have synced to the candidate profile:

  • Sending an email to a candidate
  • Receiving an email from a candidate
  • Sending an InMail to a candidate
  • Receiving an InMail from a candidate

Note that sending and receiving InMails is only possible if your LinkedIn is integrated with your Lever instance. For details, refer to our help article on enabling the LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect (RSC) integration. When your LinkedIn Recruiter integration is first set up, InMails will be synced to their respective candidate profiles and last interaction dates will update accordingly.

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